Questions to Ask Before Liposuction
It depends on your pocketbook whether you would want an expensive surgeon or a less expensive one. But most of you surely would like the best results from his or her doctor who has a good bedside manner, is reputed and is talked about for his aesthetic work. Secondly, he should be comfortable enough to discuss things that you do not understand. Communication is the very crucial factor in this procedure because if you do not get answers to your queries before hand and know what exactly would be the outcome, you might be dissatisfied at the end of it.
There are certain questions you should ask your surgeon before going in for the Liposuction Procedure: 1. Where will the surgery take place? Does the surgeon have hospital facilities of his own or in another major hospital?
2. How long will the entire procedure take so that you can apply for leave accordingly, if you are working, or if you want to make other such arrangements?
3. One of the very important questions to ask is, whether the result you are expecting is realistic. And if not, how much deviation is expected? This gives you somewhat a clear picture as to how would you or your part under surgery would look. The doctor should come to an agreement on a certain goal which you could expect.
4. The total expenses for the procedure under various heads like consultation charges, administrative charges, special meals if any, etc. should be clearly discussed to avoid any confusion later. You can even ask for any kind of financing option the doctor or the hospital might offer.
5. Are there any post procedures that should be considered to enhance affects of liposuction? If so, then what are the details about the said procedure?
6. What type of anesthesia would be used?
7. How will fluid balance be managed during the procedure?
8. What is the procedure for monitoring recovery after the surgery? How long will it take to recover and what can be the expected side effects?
9. What are the various experiences in performing this procedure? The doctor can show you the slides or video of some past surgery performances along with the pre and post snapshots of the subjects. You can even ask you doctor to let you witness a real life surgery if the patient does not mind.
10. What is the percentage of patients who had major complications? The surgeon should give you this information without any inhibitions.
11. Once the goal of outcome has been agreed upon, will the doctor repeat or correct the proceedings if it does not match? The doctor must be having some kind of established policies on this matter which should be provided to you.
12. Ask for the names and contact address of his patients who have undergone liposuction under this doctor so that that you can get first-hand-information on the doctor and the procedure.
13. What should you watch post-operatively? How painful would the soreness be and how long will they remain? What would be the medications and what will be the restraints on activities like movements, bathing, etc.
14. Which other surgeon would be assisting during the surgery and what is his qualifications and experience?
If your doctor is able to give you satisfactory answers to all the above questions, you can very well go ahead with the procedure and enjoy your new look. All the very best to you!
This information in not intended to replace medical advice. If you need medical advice, we recommend to consult with your physician.
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