Unique Halloween Costumes to Make
- This costume requires a trench coat, sunglasses and an earpiece. To make it look more realistic, attach cleaning supplies to the inside of the trench coat with hook and latch tape. You could also put on a holster belt and wear cleaning products as your guns.
- To dress as Flo the Progressive Girl, wear white pants and a white polo shirt. Put on an apron and use fabric paint to write the word "Progressive" on its front. Add a purple headband to your hair and a button that says "I (heart) Progressive." Create a name tag and wear red lipstick.
- To dress as Juno from the same-titled movie, you will first need to make yourself look pregnant. Then pull on a striped shirt, jeans with a skirt over them and a hooded sweater. Carry around a guitar, and pull your hair back into a high ponytail.