Misoprostol Side Effects
- Some relatively common side effects of taking Misoprostol can occur. These side effects usually subside quickly as the body adapts to the medicine. However, if you find that your side effects linger, or perhaps even worsen, speak with your doctor about it. These side effects include nausea, throwing up, gas, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion and headache.
- Serious side effects of Misoprostol also occasionally occur. These side effects can have harmful consequences, so they require immediate medical help. These possibly harmful side effects of Misoprostol are tar-like, dark stools, vomit that resembles coffee grounds, and lingering or extreme diarrhea or vomiting.
- Some people also experience serious allergic reactions due to taking Misoprostol. If you think that you are having an allergic reaction to this medicine, you need to seek out emergency medical attention as soon as possible. Some signs of Misoprostol allergic reaction include difficulty with breathing, itchiness, rash on the skin, breaking out into hives, extreme dizziness, and swelling of the lips, mouth, tongue or face.
- There are some uncommon although possibly serious side effects of Misoprostol. If you experience these rare side effects, you should inform your doctor immediately. These side effects are heavy or abnormal vaginal bleeding and menstrual period irregularities or problems.
- Diarrhea is a very common side effect of Misoprostol. The duration of this side effect is approximately one week. During this time, it is vital to make sure you get sufficient fluids, electrolytes, and minerals in order to not get dehydrated. Lingering diarrhea can result in water and mineral loss. If you notice any dehydration symptoms, immediately let your doctor know. Some signs of dehydration include extreme dizziness, urinating less frequently, weakness of the muscles, irregular or slow heartbeat and mood or mental changes.