Early Shots: Battle of Machias
Battle of Machias - Conflict & Dates:
The Battle of Machias was fought June 11-12, 1775, during the American Revolution (1775-1783).
Fleets & Commanders
- Captain Jeremiah O'Brien
- 55 men
- 2 ships
- Midshipman James Moore
- 40 men
- 1 ship
Battle of Machias - Background:
On April 19, 1775, the American Revolution began when British and colonial forces clashed at the Battles of Lexington and Concord outside Boston.
Pursuing the beaten British back to the city, the local militia commenced a siege of Boston. Cut off from local sources, the British commander in the city, General Thomas Gage, was forced to look elsewhere for supplies. Late that spring, Gage was approached by merchant Ichabod Jones who sought permission to sail for Machias (in present-day Maine) with a cargo of provisions. In return, Jones would transport timber needed by the British Army back to Boston. Though approved by Gage, Jones' request was forwarded to Vice Admiral Samuel Graves who controlled the port as a result of the Boston Port Act of 1774. Meeting with the admiral, Jones was given permission to sail.
Having received approval, Jones prepared the 80-ton Unity to sail while his other vessel, the 90-ton Polly commanded by Nathaniel Horton, also made ready for sea. To ensure that Jones returned with the needed timber, Graves directed Midshipman James Moore to escort the merchant vessels with HM Armed Schooner Tender Margaretta.
A 50-ton schooner, Margaretta was armed with twelve swivel guns. While at Machias, Moore was to recover the guns from HMS Halifax which had run aground in the area in February 1775. Sailing in late May, Margaretta escorted Jones up the coast to Machias. Reaching the area, Moore moved to scout the wreck of Halifax while Jones anchored off Machias on June 2.
Battle of Machias - Tensions Flare:
Known to the local residents, Jones had business interests in the area. Going ashore, he explained his mission and his desire to trade with the town. He also required the locals to sign a paper stating that they would allow him to load lumber and would protect his ships. At a town meeting on June 6, the people of Machias voted not to trade with Jones under these conditions. With the meeting going against him, Jones asked Moore to bring Margaretta close to the town. As a result of the implied threat, the townspeople reversed their vote and Unity was allowed to dock. Shortly thereafter, trading commenced but Jones began refusing to trade with those who had initially voted against him. Angering many of the inhabitants, this action led a local militia leader, Captain Benjamin Foster, to call for reinforcements from nearby settlements as well as hatch a plan to capture Jones at church that Sunday.
Approaching the church with around thirty men on June 11, Foster's plan failed when his troops were spotted by Moore and Jones. While the former fled back to his ship, the latter hid in the woods for two days. Moving to the waterfront, the militia took control of Unity and demanded Margaretta's surrender. Refusing, Moore exchanged shots with the gathered militia. As this brief fight took place, men from Machias boarded and took Polly. Moving up the river, they later ran aground. Seeking safety, Moore broke off the engagement and dropped down the river a few miles. The next morning, Moore elected to depart. Taking a local skipper, Samuel Toby, as a pilot, Margaretta began moving south. Caught in a strong wind, the schooner's boom and gaffs were carried away.
Battle of Machias - Shots on the Water:
With his ship damaged, Moore commandeered new booms and gaffs from a passing vessel. He also took aboard its pilot, Robert Avery of Norwich, CT. Repairing Margaretta, Moore made ready to put to sea. As the British schooner was suffering misfortune, the people of Machias were taking action. Fitting out Unity as a makeshift warship, Captain Jeremiah O'Brien, a local sea captain, began sailing south with an armed crew of around thirty men. He was joined in this pursuit by Foster who had commandeered the sloop Falmouth Packet. A swift vessel, Unity closed the distance with Margaretta. Nearing, O'Brien's men opened fire with small arms and made to board the British ship. Moore responded with Margaretta's swivel guns and hand grenades.
As the two vessels pulled alongside, the Americans unleashed a fury of musket fire on Margaretta. Struck in the chest, Moore fell mortally wounded while the ship's helmsman was also hit. Ramming Margaretta, O'Brien's men quickly swarmed aboard the enemy ship. Overwhelmed and leaderless, the crew quickly surrendered. Taking possession of Margaretta, O'Brien sailed it back to Machias in triumph. Reaching the town, Moore was taken to the home Stephen Jones, Ichabod Jones' nephew, where he died the next day. The remainder of Margaretta's crew was later transferred to the Massachusetts Provincial Congress.
Battle of Machias - Aftermath:
The second naval battle of the American Revolution, the Battle of Machias saw the British lose Margaretta as well as five killed and three wounded. O'Brien's losses numbered two killed and five wounded. Quickly building a makeshift navy, ships from Machias began intercepting British vessels off the coast. As a result of these efforts, the Machias fleet was taken into the Massachusetts State Navy with O'Brien as its commander. Seeking to eliminate the threat posed by the town, it was unsuccessfully attacked by the British in August 1777. In recognition of his service, five US Navy vessels have been named for Jeremiah O'Brien as well as a World War IILiberty Ship.