Acne Prevention-5 Tips to Stop Acne Early
To prevent acne you need to first understand the cause of acne.
Acne occurs when hairs follicles become clogged and then infected.
Hair follicles secrete an oil that lubricates the hair shaft, this secretion is perfectly normal.
The problem occurs when the oil glands produce too much oil, this extra oil can get trapped by the pore around the hair follicle.
If the pore seals up it allows bacteria to grow beneath the skin.
This bacteria then irritates the skin causing what we all no as a pimple.
If the acne becomes severe it can form cysts below the skin, this type of acne is called cystic acne.
Cystic acne is identified for being swollen, red, and can be painful.
Now that the cause of acne is understood, what are ways to prevent it? 1.
First and foremost do not pop your pimples.
Squeezing pimples can cause your acne to become worse, There is increased chances of infection, also you may push pus in the pimple deeper into the skin.
This increases your chance of developing cystic acne.
Everyone should wash your face twice daily.
When washing your face do not scrub your skin, this could cause your acne to become worse.
A gentle cleaning twice per day is sufficient.
Try to avoid areas where food is being fried.
Frying food causes the grease to become airborne it then settles onto your skin.
With this grease on your skin the chances of clogged pores increase.
Girls should avoid using cosmetics that are oil based, this will also lead to clogged pores.
Girls should also remember to remove all make-up each night before bed.
Last but not least is starting early, these tips can be even more helpful if you start them before your acne has a chance to get started.
All teens will have acne at some point, don't wait to use these only when you have an outbreak.
By taking advantage of these tips you can win the battle with acne.
There are also many great products to help you along the way.
Acne occurs when hairs follicles become clogged and then infected.
Hair follicles secrete an oil that lubricates the hair shaft, this secretion is perfectly normal.
The problem occurs when the oil glands produce too much oil, this extra oil can get trapped by the pore around the hair follicle.
If the pore seals up it allows bacteria to grow beneath the skin.
This bacteria then irritates the skin causing what we all no as a pimple.
If the acne becomes severe it can form cysts below the skin, this type of acne is called cystic acne.
Cystic acne is identified for being swollen, red, and can be painful.
Now that the cause of acne is understood, what are ways to prevent it? 1.
First and foremost do not pop your pimples.
Squeezing pimples can cause your acne to become worse, There is increased chances of infection, also you may push pus in the pimple deeper into the skin.
This increases your chance of developing cystic acne.
Everyone should wash your face twice daily.
When washing your face do not scrub your skin, this could cause your acne to become worse.
A gentle cleaning twice per day is sufficient.
Try to avoid areas where food is being fried.
Frying food causes the grease to become airborne it then settles onto your skin.
With this grease on your skin the chances of clogged pores increase.
Girls should avoid using cosmetics that are oil based, this will also lead to clogged pores.
Girls should also remember to remove all make-up each night before bed.
Last but not least is starting early, these tips can be even more helpful if you start them before your acne has a chance to get started.
All teens will have acne at some point, don't wait to use these only when you have an outbreak.
By taking advantage of these tips you can win the battle with acne.
There are also many great products to help you along the way.