What Do You Really Need?
I packed the right clothes for the weather and the right amount of clothes.
I packed the right number of books on the right topic-Happiness-to support my purpose.
I packed the right electronic gear, which has worked faithfully to my great relief.
I packed the right artistic tools-sketch pad and colored pencils.
I have the right accommodations with the right hosts (former tenants who lived in the ground floor apartment of my house in Washington, DC).
I am staying in Renee's Room, so named after a brief visit in October 2008.
The room adorned with roses from the garden and work table had fruit, bottled water and a glass.
I have meals and food at the ready-much homegrown on the property.
I can have conversations and interactions when desired.
And I have the Internet.
There is no car.
Yes, I have everything I really need for the time I am here.
How well will I pack the experience of having everything I need while here for my return trip to Washington? Of course, I will have my memories available and pictures.
And I can be mindful that I had everything I really needed while here.
Maybe what made everything right about what I packed is that the items were the only ones available while here.
I certainly did not spend time choosing what to read and what to wear, nor did I need to spend time choosing what to cook or preparing meals.
Could I live at the subsistence level in DC that I so enjoyed during my stay in this village? Most likely not, although for 6 weeks 20 years ago I lived without a car while waiting for the one I ordered to arrive.
I can certainly live with less than I have.
Coaching facilitates adapting to change and I like change.
Yet, how much change in life style would I enjoy? How much less would I want? What do I really need? How would you answer the following questions? How much of what I want do I need? What do I really need?