When to Meet the Parents
You see, Martin, who is in his mid-thirties, has been dating someone for about three months.
He doesn't like to refer to her as his girlfriend yet.
He calls her his "Lady Friend.
" Anyhow, his Lady Friend asked him to go to her family's house for Easter and Martin was shocked.
"Meeting the family so soon!" Martin declared.
That raised the question, when is the right time to meet the parents? My friend Martin thought that three months was way too soon to meet his Lady Friend's parents.
Another friend, Jane, agreed with him.
She said that she only brings her boyfriend home to meet her parents after they've been dating for a year.
Hesitantly, I told my story about meeting my boyfriend's parents.
He asked me to go meet them quite early on in the relationship-five weeks to be exact.
"What did you do?" my friends asked.
"I went," I told them.
"And we've been happily dating for almost a year.
" However, at the same time, I didn't introduce my boyfriend to my parents until several months into the relationship.
Ultimately, when choosing the right time to meet the parents of your significant other, you must carefully weigh the pros and cons of your decision.
You don't want to ask your significant other too soon, because it may make them uncomfortable.
At the same time, it could be a good test to see whether he or she is taking the relationship seriously.
As for Martin, you might be wondering, he happily stayed at home with his own family for Easter.