Are You Killing Your Dreams?
Are You Killing Your Possibilities of Success? Of course, you would not intentionally choose to kill your possibilities of success.
But, if you are not aware of certain critical things, then it's very likely that you are sabotaging your own efforts at achieving success on your terms.
Right now, you're probably asking yourself, "What is she talking about?" Let me make it clearer.
I'm referring to your environments; your home, car, office, family, colleagues, friends, books, music, finances, clothes, computer, spiritual practices and even your body create your environments.
In order to identify what success looks like for you and then to achieve that success on your terms, you must make sure that your environments support your goals.
You can read or listen to all the inspirational and motivational items you can get your hands on.
But, if your environments are filled with obstacles or you are lacking the support and resources you need, you are setting yourself up for major disappointment.
That's why it is essential to design the "world" around you to inspire continuous excellence.
So many people like to criticize when someone who grew up in a disadvantaged background becomes financially successful, and then moves into a wonderful new space.
Often, this move is because the new environment is more in line with who this person is now, as well as where she is going in her life.
Consider the idea that your current environments are a reflection of who you were in the past.
That's perfectly normal.
However, if you would like your present or future to be different than your past, then you may want to try making that change "from the outside in" by changing your surroundings.
I love to watch make-over shows like What Not to Wear and Clean House.
During these types of shows, the guests get help in identifying the aspects of their wardrobe, home, etc that are no longer serving them.
Many times they come to realize during the process that not only are these things not serving them, but they are also hindering them from moving forward in their lives, in the areas that are the most important to them.
On these shows the process of making changes and acquiring new practices is frequently difficult, and sometimes painful.
But, once the changes have been made, almost all of the guests I've seen acknowledge that they are now better equipped to live a happier and more fulfilling life.
This is one reason that getting a make-over can make such a difference in a person's life, despite the fact that the changes may appear to be merely superficial.
Let's recap; your environments include your home, car, office, family, colleagues, friends, books, music, finances, clothes, computer, spiritual practices, your body and more.
I challenge you to review each of these areas and decide if the way they exist right now is supporting your current goals and moving you closer to achieving them or if they are silently killing your possibilities of success.
Start with one area and create a plan to re-design your environments one by one.
You will be amazed at the residual impact this can have.
But, if you are not aware of certain critical things, then it's very likely that you are sabotaging your own efforts at achieving success on your terms.
Right now, you're probably asking yourself, "What is she talking about?" Let me make it clearer.
I'm referring to your environments; your home, car, office, family, colleagues, friends, books, music, finances, clothes, computer, spiritual practices and even your body create your environments.
In order to identify what success looks like for you and then to achieve that success on your terms, you must make sure that your environments support your goals.
You can read or listen to all the inspirational and motivational items you can get your hands on.
But, if your environments are filled with obstacles or you are lacking the support and resources you need, you are setting yourself up for major disappointment.
That's why it is essential to design the "world" around you to inspire continuous excellence.
So many people like to criticize when someone who grew up in a disadvantaged background becomes financially successful, and then moves into a wonderful new space.
Often, this move is because the new environment is more in line with who this person is now, as well as where she is going in her life.
Consider the idea that your current environments are a reflection of who you were in the past.
That's perfectly normal.
However, if you would like your present or future to be different than your past, then you may want to try making that change "from the outside in" by changing your surroundings.
I love to watch make-over shows like What Not to Wear and Clean House.
During these types of shows, the guests get help in identifying the aspects of their wardrobe, home, etc that are no longer serving them.
Many times they come to realize during the process that not only are these things not serving them, but they are also hindering them from moving forward in their lives, in the areas that are the most important to them.
On these shows the process of making changes and acquiring new practices is frequently difficult, and sometimes painful.
But, once the changes have been made, almost all of the guests I've seen acknowledge that they are now better equipped to live a happier and more fulfilling life.
This is one reason that getting a make-over can make such a difference in a person's life, despite the fact that the changes may appear to be merely superficial.
Let's recap; your environments include your home, car, office, family, colleagues, friends, books, music, finances, clothes, computer, spiritual practices, your body and more.
I challenge you to review each of these areas and decide if the way they exist right now is supporting your current goals and moving you closer to achieving them or if they are silently killing your possibilities of success.
Start with one area and create a plan to re-design your environments one by one.
You will be amazed at the residual impact this can have.