How To Start Using Teeth Whitening
For any one who has not used teeth whitening before, it can be a little daunting, many questions can be going around in your head and one of them most certainly will be, "how do I get started?' First of all do not rush the first time that you wish to whiten your teeth, take your time and read the instructions carefully.
They will explain the procedure fully and reassuringly.
What may daunt people the most about teeth whitening is how to make the mould that is used to hold the teeth whitening gel in place over your teeth.
This mould can be done at the dentist for a professional fit; it will be expertly done but will be very expensive.
There is nothing to stop you doing one for your self at a fraction of the cost.
All it takes is a little patience, two or three single arch thermo forming bleaching trays.
One for the bottom set of teeth, one for the top and a spare just to practice on and some water, just off the boil.
These trays are firm when first bought and have a tab at the front for you to hold while creating your mould.
They are very pliable when placed in the boiling water and quickly change shape so you have to work quickly.
Using your fingers to hold the tab, hold the mould in the hot water for just a few seconds, then withdraw the mould from the water and with out shaking it, place over either the top or bottom set of teeth.
You them suck strongly, to get the air out of the mould, this allows the mould to take the shape of your teeth.
Hold the tray in place for a few seconds before you remove it.
Repeat the process putting the tray over the opposite set of teeth.
You now have a good cast of the shape of your teeth, it only remains now to cut off the tab from the front of the mould and to trim any surplus of the tray which may cover the gums.
This is done so that the gum will not be exposed to the gel during whitening and will not cause any sensitivity to soft tissue.
You are now ready to use the whitening gel and the trays will last over many uses.
They will explain the procedure fully and reassuringly.
What may daunt people the most about teeth whitening is how to make the mould that is used to hold the teeth whitening gel in place over your teeth.
This mould can be done at the dentist for a professional fit; it will be expertly done but will be very expensive.
There is nothing to stop you doing one for your self at a fraction of the cost.
All it takes is a little patience, two or three single arch thermo forming bleaching trays.
One for the bottom set of teeth, one for the top and a spare just to practice on and some water, just off the boil.
These trays are firm when first bought and have a tab at the front for you to hold while creating your mould.
They are very pliable when placed in the boiling water and quickly change shape so you have to work quickly.
Using your fingers to hold the tab, hold the mould in the hot water for just a few seconds, then withdraw the mould from the water and with out shaking it, place over either the top or bottom set of teeth.
You them suck strongly, to get the air out of the mould, this allows the mould to take the shape of your teeth.
Hold the tray in place for a few seconds before you remove it.
Repeat the process putting the tray over the opposite set of teeth.
You now have a good cast of the shape of your teeth, it only remains now to cut off the tab from the front of the mould and to trim any surplus of the tray which may cover the gums.
This is done so that the gum will not be exposed to the gel during whitening and will not cause any sensitivity to soft tissue.
You are now ready to use the whitening gel and the trays will last over many uses.