Why is He Using You?
Do you work and he stay at home and hang out with his "friends?" Does he always tell you that there is no work because of the economy? Look, men need responsibility and if he don't have any responsibility he is more likely to cheat on you because he is idol at home.
Remember: A idol mind is the devil's workshop.
Tell him you love him but he need to get a job and live on his own because you take care of everything for him.
He needs to be responsible for himself.
If he cannot take care of himself how is he going to take care of a family? You play the role of his mother.
Why are you giving him money and cleaning up behind him and cooking for him too? Are you with a mama's boy because you can bully him? Are you a control freak? You control the money to buy his beer and cigarettes so that way you know he will come back home to you? You give away too much.
He gets everything free from you so why should he want to marry you? Free sex, money and food from you! What more can a man want! If he doesn't work for those things, marrying you is far from his mind.
He will leave you and marry a woman who tells him "no" to the free things you give to him One way he will marry you is if you leave the home and you stay somewhere else (maybe Mom or some other family member).
Then he will realize what he had and he would want to get himself together.
If that doesn't work, then maybe he was not the right one for you.
If you try to move on, he will be furious! Why? Because he knows how well he has it with you.
He knows you are a good woman but he want to have his cake and eat it too.