Alternative Schools in Hampton
- The Hampton City School System has a student population of 20,710 and a school accreditation rate of 97 percent. The average student to teacher ratio is 22:1 in grades K-3, 25:1 in grades 4-5, 24:1 in middle schools and 24:1 in high schools. The school system also has 243 elementary school teachers, 191 middle-school teachers and 170 high-school teachers, with master's degrees or higher.
- The Hampton City School Performance Learning Center is an alternative school that prepares students for high-school graduation and potentially higher education as well. The curriculum is computer-based and uses projects to instruct students toward reaching curriculum goals. The school also provides students with mentorships, job shadowing and help preparing for post-secondary education.
- The Bridgeport Academy is another alternative school that belongs to the Hampton City School System. The Academy focuses its program on a 21st-century education that integrates computer technology into the classroom. The Academy also uses behavior modification strategies to help students strengthen their social and academic skills.
- The Hampton Harbor Academy is another alternative school that belongs to the Hampton City School System. The Harbor Academy uses a hands-on approach with its students combining technology and interdisciplinary techniques to help students form thematic and problem-based skills.