How to Replace a Year Book
- 1). Contact your school where the yearbook is from. This can be done by email, phone or through the school's website. Inquire about the specific yearbook in question. While some schools do not keep actual copies of the yearbook, they are often stored on CDs or as a file on the computer.
- 2). Pay any fees requested by the school to replace the yearbook. Some schools may even charge you a fee for researching the availability of the yearbook, since it is not part of their daily job requirements.
- 3). Complete some research in the local community surrounding the school. While the school may not have a copy of the yearbook in question, it may be sold at a garage sale. Do not be surprised if old yearbooks are not on school record. Often, the yearbooks are ordered so each student can purchase one. It is not often that books are re-ordered.
- 4). Use online search websites, auction sites or yearbook sites on the Internet. Examples of these include, and Some of these services might have a copy for sale or can help you locate the specific yearbook in question.
- 5). Visit old and used bookstores, as they may carry old yearbooks. This is particularly true for smaller communities and tight knit towns.
- 6). Place an advertisement in the local newspaper that states that you are looking for a particular yearbook. Someone may have it in a storage box or in their attic and may be willing to sell it for a fee.