Flower Parts of a Tulip
- Several different parts make up a tulip.pink tulip image by Radoslav Lazarov from Fotolia.com
Tulips are members of the Tulipa genus and the lily family, or the Liliaceae. There are more than 150 varieties of tulips and they are available in many different colors, including pink, yellow, white, red and purple. Tulip flowers have several different parts that work together to help the flower live and reproduce. - Tulips are known for their petals, which curve vertically upward to create a narrow cup shape. Tulip petals are often brightly colored to help the flower attract bees, birds and other insects. These insects feed on nectar produced by the tulip and, in turn, help with its pollination.
- The pistil is the female part of the flower, and it is made up of three parts: the stigma, style and ovary. The stigma is located on top of the pistil and is covered with a sticky substance that catches pollen grains. The style is located between the stigma and the ovary and helps the flower avoid pollen contamination. The ovary is at the base of the pistil. This protects the ovule after fertilization.
- The ovule is the same as an egg in animals. Once it is fertilized by pollen, the ovule will become the plant's seed.
- The stamen is the reproductive part of a male tulip. It is made up of two parts--the filaments and the anthers. The filaments are the thin stalks that are topped with anthers. The anthers contain pollen sacs that rub against birds and insects when they land on the flower. When the insects move on to a female tulip, the pollen rubs off on the stigma and the ovule is fertilized.
- The nectary holds the flower's nectar. Nectar is a sugary substance that is meant to attract birds and insects. Without nectar, it would be difficult for the tulips to be fertilized.
- The receptacle is located where the tulip flower attaches to its stalk.