Ways to Increase the Size of Breasts
Some women opt for breast augmentation surgery but it is a very complicated process and can have some very negative consequences as well as the results are never fully predictable.
Hence the surgical method should be the last resort to enhance your breasts size.
In this article let us find out some of the alternative and natural ways through which breasts size can be increased without causing any harm to your body.
Breast Enhancement Pills These pills have become immensely popular amongst women in recent past mainly due to their efficacy and lack of any side effects as they are made from natural herbs.
Some of the most popular herbs used in these pills include fenugreek, saw palmetto, fennel seeds.
The herbal pills contain plant estrogen which is the main hormone responsible for the normal growth of breasts.
Visible results can be seen within 2 months of usage but most women prefer to keep on taking these pills as they see other health benefits taking place within their body.
Massage This is not a very effective method if used on its own but can be very effective if done along with intake of breast enhancement pills.
There are some herbal creams specifically available for massaging the breasts which help in making them smoother and firmer.
Exercises There are certain exercises like dumb bell flies and push ups against the wall which are very effective in enhancing the size of breasts.
Taking herbal pills along with exercising regularly will give very fast results and you will easily gain a cup size within 1 month.