Dialing Instructions for International Calls
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Don't forget to check the time zone and keep in mind the time difference when you are placing your call.Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
Start with the sequence of numbers for the country from which you are calling. This is called the International Direct Dial Code. If you are calling from the United States, Canada or most countries in the Caribbean, start dialing with "0-1-1." In most other countries, start by dialing "0-0." Sometimes, the calling order varies, depending on the country from which you are calling, so use a country code website to find out what numbers to use (see References). - 2
You can find country codes online.Phil Ashley/Lifesize/Getty Images
Dial the country code. If you are calling the United States, Canada or the Caribbean, dial "1." Country codes for frequently dialed countries include: Australia: 61; Brazil: 55; China: 86; Costa Rica: 506; France: 33; Germany: 49; India: 91; Japan: 81; Spain: 34; and Switzerland: 41. If you are calling another country, check online for the code (see References). - 3
If you are using a cell phone, you might not need to dial the area code.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Calling methods for landlines and cell phones are slightly different. For landlines, dial the area code after the international code. Area codes are usually three digits but vary depending on the country. These also can also be found online if you are not sure of the area code (see References). When you are dialing from a cell phone, you do not always have to dial the area code for the country you are calling. - 4
It will be easy to determine the area code and local number, as long as you have the country code.Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
Dial the local number. Depending on the country, the number of digits will vary.
Putting it altogether, if you are calling China from the United States, dial "0-1-1," plus the country code, which is "86," followed by the area code, which will vary in number, then the local number. - 5
A prepaid calling card can help make dialing an international call affordable.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
If you are planning to make frequent international calls, purchasing a calling card is a good idea. Buy a calling card online or at a phone store (see Resources). To use a calling card, dial the calling card company phone number, which will be on the card. Have the number you are calling available when you dial.