Note On Nose Bleeding
Typically, nose bleeds start in the front of the nasal septum or at the very back of the nose cavity. The causes of nose bleeds can frequently be associated with dry nostrils, as the septum becomes crusty and is then prone to bleeding.
Extreme heat sometimes causes nose bleeding. While it is not possible to move about only where there is air conditioning or practical to carry an air conditioner on your back, you may keep the fact that extreme heat is an agent of nose bleeding and not be too alarmed about it.
The first step to preventing nosebleeds if you are susceptible is to check the environment of your home and office. Check the humidity in the rooms where you normally stay, and if it is very low, raise it a bit. Also, using heaters in the home produce a very dry heat, which can trigger nosebleeds. Keep the heat down.
Typically, nose bleeds start in the front of the nasal septum or at the very back of the nose cavity. The causes of nose bleeds can frequently be associated with dry nostrils, as the septum becomes crusty and is then prone to bleeding.
In acute rhinitis, the nasal mucous membrane becomes congested, swollen and edematous. This quickly subsides, and the membrane returns to normal. After repeated attacks, particularly in cases which originate as a result of chronic sinusitis, this swelling becomes obstinate, and causes a chronic catarrh.
Even high blood pressure or bending down can cause enough pressure to break a vessel inside the nose. Smoking cigarettes can dry and crack the nose lining, and taking medications that thin the blood can cause severe nose bleeds.
The nosebleed only last for a few minutes and by that time you need to find a way to stop it. Those that have epistaxiophobia will have problems with this. If you have the fear of nosebleeds, you need to sit down and tilt the nose down to stop the bleeding.
In severe cases where nothing seems to be working, trying the cold rag along with applying pressure and tipping your head back. Most importantly try to stay come or keep your child calm and relax! Stressing out can actually cause more blood flow to your nose!
Any severe nose bleed, that lasts more than 15 minutes should warrant a visit to the local Emergency Room or doctors office. Doctor may prefer Cauterization, this process involves using a special solution called silver nitrate or an electrical or heating device to burn the artery so that it stops bleeding.
Pinch your nose just below the bridge. There is a vein just below the nose bone that is the culprit in 99% of bloody noses. Pinching puts pressure on it, which arrests the bleeding and speeds the clotting process.
And on a final note, you should always consult your doctor if your nose bleeds consistently, or if you are unable to stop it from bleeding. You should also contact your doctor if you begin to bleed from your tear ducts, the nosebleed is the result of an injury, or if you have blood running down from both nostrils.