Mini Sites? How About Marketing Profit Machines?
If you've spent any amount of time on the internet, you have undoubtedly ran across a few of them.
What exactly are mini-sites and how can you use them to your advantage? Mini sites are 1-3 page websites that are put up in order to sell a product.
They usually have one long front page and maybe a couple small support or info pages.
People will usually make the first page a sales letter.
If you've ever seen a ClickBank product, this is undoubtedly the format of the website that you saw.
Mini-sites are usually very simple.
The main focus of the page is the text that is written.
On a sales letter, you want the potential customers to read the letter and stick to the point.
You won't find a lot of revolutionary website graphics or special features.
Some of them have a short video or audio, but other than that it's pretty plain.
You'll probably see a few pictures of people for testimonials and a picture of the product, but other than that, not much else.
Site owners love mini sites for a few reasons.
First of all, finding a great deal on hosting for one or two pages is easy.
You don't have a lot of money invested in your site upkeep.
You just build it and put it up and start collecting the checks.
Another reason that many people love these mini-sites is because they are simple to put up.
You can learn some basic HTML or use a simplified website builder to put them up.
You don't have to be a genius or a computer freak to put one together.
The most important thing about mini sites is that they allow you to create multiple sources of income.
Many wealthy people will attest to the fact that this is the best way to become rich.
Once you put up a mini-site, you will generate sales from the site.
It does the work for you and you can set it up where you just get paid from that point forward.
After you've set up one mini site, you can just move on to the next one.
Before long you've got an entire empire of mini-sites.
Even if the mini sites only brought in a few dollars per day, if you get 100 mini-sites set up, we're talking about some serious cash.
Think about not having to lift a finger but you still get paid every day from your army of mini sites.
That is a pretty intriguing thought to say the least.
Do not be confused by thinking that you need to make a full-blown content site to be effective.
Content sites are valuable as well, but they are the exact opposite of a mini-site.
You aren't trying to make a 100 page website with lots of multimedia content here.
You are just cranking out a short little website that is designed to sell a product.
Overall, mini sites are a great way to make some extra money.
If you do it well enough and remain consistent, you could turn it into a full-time income.
The opportunities with mini-sites are virtually endless.
They are only limited by your imagination and your work ethic.