Why Healthy Eating Is Important
It has been known and documented that you are what you eat, its a true statement. If you consume foods that are not healthy for you, more then likely you may be considered to be an unhealthy person. What you eat is very important for your ability to grow, maintain function, and to prevent deceases and illness. Therefore, if being healthy is important to you, you should educate yourself on healthy eating.
Healthy eating should start the day we are born. From the first day as a newborn, our bodies grow and develop very quickly. Therefore, it is important to be given the proper nutrition. All foods have the nutrients that give us the fuel to live our daily lives, more importantly; it helps in developing and maintaining strong bones, muscles, and organ tissues. Improper balance of nutrients can cause a variety of health issues, including stunting growth. With newborns, breast milk contains the nutrients a child needs to grow and develop properly. As a child develops and grows to be an adult, the proper nutrients can be found in variety healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grain products. There is an ongoing growth of cells breaking down and rebuilding, so eating healthy for continuous body growth is important until the last day of our life.
Healthy eating is important to maintaining good body function, like providing energy to think, walk, talk, breathe, and to perform additional bodily functions in our daily lives. This energy is generated from two basic sources, fat reserves in the body and/or our daily food intake. When eating unhealthy foods, you may end up with an excessive amount of fat, or not getting the adequate amount that may leave you feeling sluggish or weak. Along with fats and carbohydrates, we also need the proper nutrients to allow our organs to function properly. To maintain proper body function, our body needs to produce hormones and other substances to sustain a healthy lifestyle, only achieved by consuming the proper nutrients from eating healthy foods.
As mentioned earlier, healthy eating is important to prevent decease and illness. Our body's natural defense system against diseases weakens when we do not get the proper nutrition, leaving the body venerable to viruses and bacteria. Our body refuses to operate properly when not eating the necessary healthy foods on a daily basis. Important lesson to enjoying a healthy life, learn to eat healthy foods early in life as a child.
Healthy eating should start the day we are born. From the first day as a newborn, our bodies grow and develop very quickly. Therefore, it is important to be given the proper nutrition. All foods have the nutrients that give us the fuel to live our daily lives, more importantly; it helps in developing and maintaining strong bones, muscles, and organ tissues. Improper balance of nutrients can cause a variety of health issues, including stunting growth. With newborns, breast milk contains the nutrients a child needs to grow and develop properly. As a child develops and grows to be an adult, the proper nutrients can be found in variety healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grain products. There is an ongoing growth of cells breaking down and rebuilding, so eating healthy for continuous body growth is important until the last day of our life.
Healthy eating is important to maintaining good body function, like providing energy to think, walk, talk, breathe, and to perform additional bodily functions in our daily lives. This energy is generated from two basic sources, fat reserves in the body and/or our daily food intake. When eating unhealthy foods, you may end up with an excessive amount of fat, or not getting the adequate amount that may leave you feeling sluggish or weak. Along with fats and carbohydrates, we also need the proper nutrients to allow our organs to function properly. To maintain proper body function, our body needs to produce hormones and other substances to sustain a healthy lifestyle, only achieved by consuming the proper nutrients from eating healthy foods.
As mentioned earlier, healthy eating is important to prevent decease and illness. Our body's natural defense system against diseases weakens when we do not get the proper nutrition, leaving the body venerable to viruses and bacteria. Our body refuses to operate properly when not eating the necessary healthy foods on a daily basis. Important lesson to enjoying a healthy life, learn to eat healthy foods early in life as a child.