The Feeling of Unemployment
Every day it seems like you are spiraling further into a rut you cannot crawl out of.
The main emotions I have been dealing with include: shame, failure, and uselessness.
I also feel like a loser.
I will give you a little more insight into the feelings as well as in the end explain how I deal with the constant pressure.
Shame- I can barely look at myself in the mirror.
I feel like I'm not the outgoing person I used to be.
I slowly feel like I'm slipping into a state of depression because I cannot kick this feeling of shame holding me down.
Failure- the feeling of failure is definitely worse than the feeling of shame, in fact this is the worst emotion I deal with.
I had plans for my life which I'm failing to accomplish due to lack of money from being unemployed.
I feel like I'm letting my children down by not providing for them as I should.
Another reason comes from the fact that I have applied for jobs and gotten no responses from any of the places I have applied to.
Failure is the emotion that is eating me alive.
Uselessness- Another problematic emotion is uselessness.
This is significantly less than the other emotions however it still plagues me.
I feel useless to the point I don't want to get out of the bed in the morning.
I look at the family and the ones in the house providing the money, and it just adds to the burden on my shoulders.
I feel as though I have nothing to offer the household.
These reasons have given me the push I needed to decide to become a successful woman without the nine to five work week.
I have found a passion in writing that I never knew I possessed.
Becoming a stay at home working mom has become my new dream, a dream that I plan to push all the way.
Struggling with the pain and depression from being unemployed will no longer haunt and torment me.
By utilizing skills I already have and learning new ones I will provide for my family in ways I never knew I could.
I am tired of being sad and miserable; bring on a life full of happiness and fulfillment!