Solar Power And The Benefits Of Harnessing This Natural Energy Source
Electricity is the life blood which runs in the nerve of modern world nourishing and enriching it. Without electricity the urban civilization can hardly survive because we have innumerable machines and gadgets that are a part of our daily lives and almost all of them require electricity to work. This has led to an increase in the demand and consumption of electricity. The production of electricity requires burning of fossil fuels, which are already very less in quantity. Most of the natural reserves have depleted in the last few years and it is crucially important to find alternative resources for producing electricity.
Sunlight is the best natural resource that can be harnessed for producing of electricity without posing any harm to eco-cycle and the latest discoveries have led to the making of highly sophisticated solar heating systems and solar power systems that work on solar cells. Solar power cells are capable of producing a good amount of electrical power by converting heat emitted by sun into electrical charge. These cells are attached to huge panels which are laid on the roofs of the facility to make a solar power system. In daytime the high intensity of heat is captivated by solar panels and converted into electrical charge for producing electricity. Apart from producing electricity, solar energy is also used for heating water and special solar hot water heating systems are installed in residential and commercial facility. Following are few of the major advantages of harnessing solar power for producing electrical energy and heat:
Sunlight is the best natural resource that can be harnessed for producing of electricity without posing any harm to eco-cycle and the latest discoveries have led to the making of highly sophisticated solar heating systems and solar power systems that work on solar cells. Solar power cells are capable of producing a good amount of electrical power by converting heat emitted by sun into electrical charge. These cells are attached to huge panels which are laid on the roofs of the facility to make a solar power system. In daytime the high intensity of heat is captivated by solar panels and converted into electrical charge for producing electricity. Apart from producing electricity, solar energy is also used for heating water and special solar hot water heating systems are installed in residential and commercial facility. Following are few of the major advantages of harnessing solar power for producing electrical energy and heat:
Green house gases emitted due to burning of fossil fuels for producing electricity has become a great concern for environmentalist. These gases are the main cause of global warming. The harnessing of electrical energy through solar power does not post any such threat on the environment. Therefore by using it, one can surely contribute in reducing the greenhouse effect on our earth's environment.
Since solar power is produced by absorption of heat emitted by the sun, hence there is no byproduct like smoke and gas emitted, which could be harmful for the environment.
Fossil fuels like coal are expensive and they are burned to produce electricity. This increases the overall production cost thereby increasing the rate per unit. On the contrary solar power is naturally harnessed and is cheaper in comparison to electricity produced by burning fossil fuel.
The natural reserves of fossil fuels which are burned to produce electricity are limited and the demand of electricity has considerably escalated in the last few years. This ever increasing demand of electricity can efficiently be met by harnessing solar power, which is comparatively cheaper and eco-friendly.