Are There Foundations That Give Grants to Individuals For Personal Use to Pay Utilities, Food, Etc?
Some folks charge their living expenses on credit cards rather than cutting back and then end up owning that money forever, and eventually reaching their credit limits.
Still, they have their bills to pay, plus now a mountain of debt.
One concerned mom has asked if there are Foundations that give grants to individuals for personal use to pay utilities, food costs and rent? Well, I have not heard of such foundations paying for personal bills, generally foundations have charters or focuses that they concentrate on.
Now with that said there are indeed foundations that specialize in helping the homeless, which have provided first and last to get into an apartment and some utilities for those proving worthy trying to get off the street.
But, I have not heard of a foundation paying bills or giving grants to individuals in the way that you discuss, unless the individual is some superstar of humanity, then there are foundations that give grants for such people to pursue their life's work.
I hope I was able to answer your question and in doing so, I sincerely hope you will be fiscally responsible with your money and save rather than spend.
Sometimes it pays to cut back on expenses rather than to let bills pile up or charge up a storm on your credit cards.
Soliciting Foundations and Nonprofits to pay your bills is a waste of time and rather than doing that, you ought to make out a budget and stick to it.
Think on this.