What is the Komodo Ruby Debugger?
- Since one of the most popular uses of Ruby is in the Ruby on Rails web framework server, an important Komodo feature is the ability to debug Ruby scripts running on remote servers.
- Since Rails is written in Ruby, Komodo is able to debug Ruby on Rails applications.
- In addition to standard features like breakpoints, the Komodo debugger can watch output files, such as log or database files, for changes in content as a program runs. This makes it possible for developers to notice errors or unexpected behavior immediately after they occur during a debugging session.
- In many IDEs, the debugger is limited to inspecting dedicated debugging instances of the application. However, in Komodo, there is no need to restart the program after something has gone wrong. The debugger can be attached to and detached from running processes on the fly as needed to allow the programmer to view the current state.