Learn to Be Still - To Feel Thoughts in Mind, the Spirit and Union of Pure Energy That We Call God
Many spiritualists say that God is the energy of the Union that is pure omniscient, omnipresent, universal presence in the same time, always.
Others say it is the energy of the Union of the purely physical.
This is a simple union of the energy that breathes without breath, by its power.
Nothing is there.
To experience it, be still.
But the question is why be still and learns to be more still? The physical universe is nothing but the experience of the spirit, mind and physical matter.
These three components of reality, mind and body are essentially the same thing.
They all come from the pure energy of the Union as we call God.
From the physical matter of the universe, including the physical body is consciousness in motion.
The source of all creation is pure consciousness.
Knowing that one's true self is pure consciousness, he joins the Union's energy is evident in everything in the universe.
The essential nature of all human life is a pure energy of the Union.
So to understand the essential nature of human life is to feel his energy complete union.
This feeling stems from the fact that the consciousness of our essential state is pure.
Pure consciousness is our spiritual essence.
Being infinite, it is pure knowledge, infinite silence, and happiness.
When you discover your essential nature and know who you really are - you meet all the dreams you have, because you are eternal pure consciousness of all that was, is and will be.
There is no separation between you and the inner energy of pure God.
The energy of the Union is purely your own person.
The more you enjoy your true essential nature, the more you are the domain of pure energy union of God.
The experience of self is our internal reference point is our own mind, not the objects of our experience.
The opposite of itself is pure self and God.
Human life is always influenced by objects outside oneself, which include situations, circumstances, people and things.
Outside itself, human life is constantly looking for approval from others and not pure God.
The human mind and human behavior are still awaiting a response from others.
It is based on fear and greed.
Besides himself, the man also feels an intense need to control things, an intense need for external power.
The need for approval, the need to control things, and the need for external power are needs that are based on fear and greed.
Such power is not the power of unions in the pure energy of God or the power itself or the real power.
When a person feels the power of self, he did not fear or greed or obligation to monitor the approval of others or get an external power supply.
Out of Mind, internal reference point of a person is his ego.
The ego, however, is not who you really are.
The ego is your individual selfishness is your social mask, and it is the role you play.
Social mask of a person always seek the approval of others.
He wants to control many things and people, and seeks support of external forces, because he lives in fear and greed.
Your true love, which is your spirit, your soul is totally free of these things.
It is immune to criticism, he is not afraid of challenges, and it feels beneath no one.
Yet he is also humble and not feels superior to anyone, because it recognizes that everyone has the same blood, the same spirit under different disguises.
How can we experience the union of pure energy in our lives? The first is to access the area by the daily practice of spiritual meditation forever.
Spending time in nature will also give you access to qualities inherent in this field: infinite creativity, freedom and happiness.
In the practice of silence is to spend a certain amount of time to be still in the actions of the physical body, speech and mind to think.
Experiment with ways to remove even the activity of speech, see or hear something.
It also means periodically withdrawing your way of thinking about many subjects and objects.
Set aside time to experience the silence is forever.
Just make a commitment to remain silent for some time each day is not to be silent.
You have experience in terms of physical body, senses and thinking mind.
You can start practicing for a few minutes per day and extend the period to the pleasure of the mind.
What happens when you go into this experience of silence or be still? Initially your internal dialogue of thought becomes even more chaotic.
You feel the intense need to say things.
I know people who go crazy the first day.
But as they stay with the experience of their internal dialogue begins in silence.
Plus, the silence became deeper and he begins to feel - things and thoughts in mind, spirit and pure energy of the Union that we call God.
Others say it is the energy of the Union of the purely physical.
This is a simple union of the energy that breathes without breath, by its power.
Nothing is there.
To experience it, be still.
But the question is why be still and learns to be more still? The physical universe is nothing but the experience of the spirit, mind and physical matter.
These three components of reality, mind and body are essentially the same thing.
They all come from the pure energy of the Union as we call God.
From the physical matter of the universe, including the physical body is consciousness in motion.
The source of all creation is pure consciousness.
Knowing that one's true self is pure consciousness, he joins the Union's energy is evident in everything in the universe.
The essential nature of all human life is a pure energy of the Union.
So to understand the essential nature of human life is to feel his energy complete union.
This feeling stems from the fact that the consciousness of our essential state is pure.
Pure consciousness is our spiritual essence.
Being infinite, it is pure knowledge, infinite silence, and happiness.
When you discover your essential nature and know who you really are - you meet all the dreams you have, because you are eternal pure consciousness of all that was, is and will be.
There is no separation between you and the inner energy of pure God.
The energy of the Union is purely your own person.
The more you enjoy your true essential nature, the more you are the domain of pure energy union of God.
The experience of self is our internal reference point is our own mind, not the objects of our experience.
The opposite of itself is pure self and God.
Human life is always influenced by objects outside oneself, which include situations, circumstances, people and things.
Outside itself, human life is constantly looking for approval from others and not pure God.
The human mind and human behavior are still awaiting a response from others.
It is based on fear and greed.
Besides himself, the man also feels an intense need to control things, an intense need for external power.
The need for approval, the need to control things, and the need for external power are needs that are based on fear and greed.
Such power is not the power of unions in the pure energy of God or the power itself or the real power.
When a person feels the power of self, he did not fear or greed or obligation to monitor the approval of others or get an external power supply.
Out of Mind, internal reference point of a person is his ego.
The ego, however, is not who you really are.
The ego is your individual selfishness is your social mask, and it is the role you play.
Social mask of a person always seek the approval of others.
He wants to control many things and people, and seeks support of external forces, because he lives in fear and greed.
Your true love, which is your spirit, your soul is totally free of these things.
It is immune to criticism, he is not afraid of challenges, and it feels beneath no one.
Yet he is also humble and not feels superior to anyone, because it recognizes that everyone has the same blood, the same spirit under different disguises.
How can we experience the union of pure energy in our lives? The first is to access the area by the daily practice of spiritual meditation forever.
Spending time in nature will also give you access to qualities inherent in this field: infinite creativity, freedom and happiness.
In the practice of silence is to spend a certain amount of time to be still in the actions of the physical body, speech and mind to think.
Experiment with ways to remove even the activity of speech, see or hear something.
It also means periodically withdrawing your way of thinking about many subjects and objects.
Set aside time to experience the silence is forever.
Just make a commitment to remain silent for some time each day is not to be silent.
You have experience in terms of physical body, senses and thinking mind.
You can start practicing for a few minutes per day and extend the period to the pleasure of the mind.
What happens when you go into this experience of silence or be still? Initially your internal dialogue of thought becomes even more chaotic.
You feel the intense need to say things.
I know people who go crazy the first day.
But as they stay with the experience of their internal dialogue begins in silence.
Plus, the silence became deeper and he begins to feel - things and thoughts in mind, spirit and pure energy of the Union that we call God.