Farmall 300 Specifications
- The Farmall 300 featured a four-cylinder, model C169 gasoline engine. The 169 cubic-inch motor had a bore and stroke of 3.56 inches by 4.25 inches with a compression ratio of 6.6:1. It was rated at 1,750 rotations per minute.
- The Farmall 300 had power ratings of 26.97 horsepower at the drawbar, 33.89 hp at the power-take-off (PTO) and a 35.99-hp belt rating. It pulled a three-bottom plow and used 2.8 to 3 gallons of fuel per hour. Its top speed was 16.1 mph. The PTO ran at 540 rpm.
- The two-wheel drive Farmall 300 was available with a narrow, tricycle front end or as a wide-front model. It had a torque-amplifier sliding gear five-speed transmission with reverse. The tractor had a radiator cooling system.
- The 5,361-lb. Farmall 300 was 77 inches tall and 100 inches wide. The narrow-front tractor was 136 inches long and 140 inches long with the wide-front end. The tricycle version had a 92.25-inch wheelbase, while the wide-front tractor had a 96-inch wheelbase.