Remedies for Hair Falling Out ~ Includes Vitiams for Hair Loss
Certainly, heredity has a great deal to do with the conditions of one's hair. However, no one is rendered powerless by genetics. There are many things you can do to condition the scalp and nourish and strengthen the hair.
Experiments conducted in Sweden and the USA indicate that cutting down on salt in the diet will keep hair more healthy and reduce hair loss.
Iodine deficiency in the diet will cause dryness, thinness and poor growth of hair. Kelp, dried seaweed, and seafood's are the richest natural sources of iodine. Kelp and Dulse sea vegetables or tablets are also available in natural food stores.
The micro-nutrients particularly essential for hair care are: Vitamin B complex, vitamin E, vitamin F (also called the essential fatty acids), vitamins A & D (the universally acknowledged vitamins for hair and skin to treat dandruff, dry, itchy and flaky scalp).
All minerals, especially silica, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine and iron are needed.
Emotional tension or prolonged mental stress and congestion cause constriction of the blood vessels of the scalp preventing the blood from getting to the hair roots, consequently over a lengthy period of time there can be noticeable hair loss.
Traditional Chinese Medicine explains the basis of hair loss by going back to the dynamic role of jing in body sustenance. Jing originates and is housed in the kidneys. The kidneys rule male sexual reproduction and also the hair. Nurturing the kidneys with foods such as asparagus, artichoke, celery, aduki beans and the herbs Lovage, Parsley, Couchgrass, and Yarrow and sustaining abundant jing by avoiding excessive ejaculation has a direct effect on hair health. The herb Ho shou wu strengthens jing and consequently helps prevent the hair from graying.
Ayurvedic medical science sees graying and baldness as symptoms of stress. Excessive thought which clogs the mind, producing excess heat in the head leading to hair loss, graying and insufficient sleep. An oil infusion of Gota Kola using sesame oil for the fixed oil (this is called Brahmi Oil) is quite helpful to cool the scalp and brain, which helps to stop graying and hair loss. Put a small amount of this oil on the fingertips and rub it on the scalp and hair at night before bed (wash it out in the morning). This is a cooling oil which cools the brain promoting mental alertness, clarity and improved memory. It also promotes sound sleep.
To stimulate hair growth and increase blood circulation in your scalp:
Take Good care of yourself; it's good medicine…
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Learn to Grow Your Own Herbs for Your Own Home Hair Remedies
Kali S. Winters
Experiments conducted in Sweden and the USA indicate that cutting down on salt in the diet will keep hair more healthy and reduce hair loss.
Iodine deficiency in the diet will cause dryness, thinness and poor growth of hair. Kelp, dried seaweed, and seafood's are the richest natural sources of iodine. Kelp and Dulse sea vegetables or tablets are also available in natural food stores.
The micro-nutrients particularly essential for hair care are: Vitamin B complex, vitamin E, vitamin F (also called the essential fatty acids), vitamins A & D (the universally acknowledged vitamins for hair and skin to treat dandruff, dry, itchy and flaky scalp).
All minerals, especially silica, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine and iron are needed.
Emotional tension or prolonged mental stress and congestion cause constriction of the blood vessels of the scalp preventing the blood from getting to the hair roots, consequently over a lengthy period of time there can be noticeable hair loss.
Traditional Chinese Medicine explains the basis of hair loss by going back to the dynamic role of jing in body sustenance. Jing originates and is housed in the kidneys. The kidneys rule male sexual reproduction and also the hair. Nurturing the kidneys with foods such as asparagus, artichoke, celery, aduki beans and the herbs Lovage, Parsley, Couchgrass, and Yarrow and sustaining abundant jing by avoiding excessive ejaculation has a direct effect on hair health. The herb Ho shou wu strengthens jing and consequently helps prevent the hair from graying.
Ayurvedic medical science sees graying and baldness as symptoms of stress. Excessive thought which clogs the mind, producing excess heat in the head leading to hair loss, graying and insufficient sleep. An oil infusion of Gota Kola using sesame oil for the fixed oil (this is called Brahmi Oil) is quite helpful to cool the scalp and brain, which helps to stop graying and hair loss. Put a small amount of this oil on the fingertips and rub it on the scalp and hair at night before bed (wash it out in the morning). This is a cooling oil which cools the brain promoting mental alertness, clarity and improved memory. It also promotes sound sleep.
To stimulate hair growth and increase blood circulation in your scalp:
- Finger massage the scalp at least twice a day. Place all 10 fingers firmly on your scalp and push the whole scalp in circular motions for 10 seconds (don't just move the fingers, move the whole scalp). Then place your fingers in a new place and repeat until you have massaged the entire scalp.
- Lie on a slant board or use any other contraption or position that reverses the gravity of the body forcing the blood to your head. This blood will penetrate into the capillaries of the scalp and free the hair roots. Combine this position with the finger massage for 5-15 minutes twice a day. It will do wonders for your hair, your brain, your veins, your legs and your overall circulation. At the same time using a slant board 20 minutes 3 times a day is an excellent therapy for relieving (and preventing) painful prostate conditions.
- You can combine the effects of the finger massage and the slant board by massaging your scalp while leaning over with your head between your legs. The technique that works best is to stand with your feet about 18 inches apart. Bend over resting your elbows on your knees with you head down below your waist and the fingers of both hands on your scalp. Give the scalp a good finger massage all over as described in #1 above. Believe it…it feels wonderful. Try it right now and you will understand. You will be able to feel the sensation at least five minutes later. One can do the same thing sitting on the edge of a chair or bed instead of standing. Additionally, you can put 30 drops of Rosemary essential oil into 1 ounce of Aloe vera juice and before bed massage a teaspoonful or so onto the scalp. As you sleep, hair follicles party and feast all hours of the night.
- Regular hair and scalp brushing 2-3 minutes twice a day is a must. This cleans all sorts of debris from the surface of the scalp and at the same time deeply massages the scalp. Don't be afraid of pulling out hairs. If they come out with brushing, they were coming out soon anyway. Brushing will stimulate the emptied follicles to grow new hairs. Place a very small amount of Rosemary essential oil in the palm of your hand and rub it onto the bristles of your hairbrush. Brush this essential oil through your hair daily. Rosemary oil is an excellent conditioner for the hair shafts, and it is said to stimulate hair growth.
- After washing your hair and body with a soap or shampoo, rinse your hair and body with a quart container full of warm water, to which you have added 1 Tbsp. of ACV (apple cider vinegar) a 1 quart plastic yogurt container works great in the bath or shower. Leave this on for about a minute then rinse. This vinegar rinse will re-establish your body, hair and scalp's natural protective acidic mantle.
- To a quart of ACV add some Nettle, fresh Rosemary, Sage, Horsetail and/or Chamomile (approximately 1 ounce of herb to a cup of vinegar). Put the herbs into the container of vinegar and keep it close to your shower or bath. Use this herbal vinegar mixed with warm water as a daily hair and scalp rinse, and use it for that 1 tablespoon full mentioned in #4 above.
- One can also apply the expressed juice of the Stinging Nettle to the scalp to stimulate hair growth.
Take Good care of yourself; it's good medicine…
Discover more Hair Remedies At Home ~ Over 1000 Recipes
Learn to Grow Your Own Herbs for Your Own Home Hair Remedies
Kali S. Winters