Baby Reflux Wedge - Helping Your Baby Cope With Acid Reflux
The Best Solutions
The best solution is to keep the baby in an upright position, especially when they are sleeping and right after feeding them. It is recommended that the top of their body be elevated with the head above the belly. The more upright they can sleep without interfering with their rest the better.
Parents will sometimes use pillows or blankets to prop up the mattress for an infant sleeping in a bassinet or Moses basket, but those methods can be unreliable and as the baby grows and/or the reflux worsens it can get more difficult to achieve this propped position.
When sleeping in a crib, the mattress can be more difficult to get propped adequately because it is so much bigger than the thin mattresses in bassinets and baskets. This is when some parents will use a baby reflex wedge to hold their baby up at the proper degree to reduce if not eliminate reflux while they sleep.
There are some creative ideas out there about using books and other sturdy objects to prop up crib mattresses as needed, but not all parents are comfortable with that. There is also the option of having young babies sleep in their car seats, since that is a safe, comfortable spot they are familiar with but which is fairly upright.
Whether you use a baby reflex wedge or not depends on how severely your baby is suffering and what other measures you can take to keep them sleeping at a 30% angle or more. If your baby is experiencing a lot of pain, it doesn't hurt to look into a baby reflux wedge to give them some relief. You may find that it is the safest, easiest option to keep your baby up at an angle so they experience less reflux, and thus much less pain.
A popular baby reflux wedge is the Dexbaby Safe Lift Crib Wedge. For a complete review of this best selling infant wedge, please visit Acid Reflux Explained for additional information.