Holistic Nutrition For All
What Is Holistic Nutrition?
The word "holistic" means "the whole." The foods we choose to eat often profoundly affect our lives and our total well-being. The vest part about a Holistic Nutrition Program is a mindfulness of the mind-body-spirit connection, recognizing that the nutritional value of the foods taken into the body is essential for completing the circuit between all aspects of our being. Our skin yearns for whole foods. If you have acne, the most important habit which plays the maximum role is eating habit – it's essential to eat healthy! If you are consuming a diet full of nutrition, your skin can transform immensely.
Incorporating Holistic Nutrition into your lifestyle involves understanding the therapeutic properties of unrefined whole-food nutrients, developing healthy shopping habits, utilizing high-quality seasonal recipes, specific cooking techniques, and more. These days, labels proclaiming an item to be a "healthy choice" have been added to everything from sugary breakfast cereals to processed frozen dinners. In the midst of a world of contradictory information, this program will help you discern the truth about healthy eating!
Why Study Holistic Nutrition?
- Learn to listen to your own body and mind
- Prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies
- Reach and maintain ideal weight
- Increase your energy level
- Improve mental clarity and mood
- Prevent or reverse illness and dis-ease
- And so much more…
We've all heard the saying – "You are what you eat," but how do you sort fact from fiction when it comes to making healty food choices? At Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA), our comprehensive 200-hour Holistic Nutrition program will help you on a personal or professional level. The really cool part is, our Holistic Nutrition Program is available ONLINE! Featuring instructional videos, discussion forums, and dedicated instructor guidance, you can take all of these great classes anywhere in the world. In this program, you will study the fundamentals of human nutrition, including dietary therapies, Whole Foods cuisine, Nutritional Supplements, obesity and eating disorders, and contemporary dietary practices including alternative theories for body detoxification. Once successfully completed, you will be awarded a Certificate of Excellence showing completion of 200 hours of specialization in the field of Holistic Nutrition. (* NOTE: Certificates of Excellence are not necessarily designed to serve as stand-alone vocational training and may not prepare you for gainful employment if taken independently of a diploma or degree program.)