noseeums - Noseeums are nasty little bugs typically found near the ocean and around rivers, lakes, and swamps. Also known as biting midges, these tiny bugs can be as small as .04 inches long. It is the female that inflicts the nasty bite because she needs blood to complete her egg laying process. Consequently they go after any exposed skin, be it human or animal. A normal walk is fast enough to outrun these slow flying bugs, and a slight breeze is enough to cause them to lay down in the grass and not be a bother.
On a still night noseeums can wreck havoc in the campground. Your best defense in this situation, beyond using Deet products, is to have a tent with noseeum netting.
Why Noseeum Netting?
Glossary Index
noseeums - Noseeums are nasty little bugs typically found near the ocean and around rivers, lakes, and swamps. Also known as biting midges, these tiny bugs can be as small as .04 inches long. It is the female that inflicts the nasty bite because she needs blood to complete her egg laying process. Consequently they go after any exposed skin, be it human or animal. A normal walk is fast enough to outrun these slow flying bugs, and a slight breeze is enough to cause them to lay down in the grass and not be a bother.
On a still night noseeums can wreck havoc in the campground. Your best defense in this situation, beyond using Deet products, is to have a tent with noseeum netting.
Why Noseeum Netting?
Glossary Index