Pets in Clothes
Rate the hotness or notness of dogs and cats modeling high fashions. Are these pets trendsetters or do some masters have too much free time? You decide; meanwhile, rank their style on a 1-to-10 scale. Enjoy the funny pictures. Add your own.
And I extend my personal promise. The first vogueing Chihuahua in cha-cha pumps I see gets a 10!
Gawk: Pets in Clothes
Animals and Pets Humor Rate the hotness or notness of dogs and cats modeling high fashions.
Are these pets trendsetters or do some masters have too much free time? You decide; meanwhile, rank their style on a 1-to-10 scale. Enjoy the funny pictures. Add your own.
And I extend my personal promise. The first vogueing Chihuahua in cha-cha pumps I see gets a 10!
Gawk: Pets in Clothes
And I extend my personal promise. The first vogueing Chihuahua in cha-cha pumps I see gets a 10!
Gawk: Pets in Clothes
Animals and Pets Humor Rate the hotness or notness of dogs and cats modeling high fashions.
Are these pets trendsetters or do some masters have too much free time? You decide; meanwhile, rank their style on a 1-to-10 scale. Enjoy the funny pictures. Add your own.
And I extend my personal promise. The first vogueing Chihuahua in cha-cha pumps I see gets a 10!
Gawk: Pets in Clothes