Which House Plants Do Well in Aquariums?
- These are among the most popular houseplants in aquariums. They are fast-growing plants that have their leaves growing along the plant's stem, either in pairs or alternating singly. They include water primrose, fountain plants and Japanese rush.
- These aquarium plants include Anubias and Java Ferns. The rhizome plant is characterized by having both leaves and roots growing directly from its rhizome.
- Like the rhizome plant, bulb aquarium plants have their leaves growing from the bulb. These include lilies and aponogetons.
- These aquarium plants bear leaves which grow from the crown of the plant, and are well-suited for use as solitary plants in your aquascape. They include Amazon swords, Vallisnerias and Aponogetons.
- As their name suggests, these aquarium plants float in the aquarium water. Most of them hinder algae growth. They include riccia, duckweed and Amazon frogbite.