How to Cite Work in a Foreign Language in APA
- 1). Write the last name and first initial of the author of the foreign-language work you want to cite in APA style separated by a comma and followed by a period. Precede the last name of a second or third author by an ampersand. For example: Kleinert, U., & Kühn, R.
- 2). Write the year of publication of the work within parentheses and followed by a period. For example: Kleinert, U., & Kühn, R. (2011).
- 3). Write the title of the work. Capitalize only the first word of the title, the first word after a colon and any proper nouns. In the case of German titles, capitalize all nouns. For example, Kleinert, U., & Kühn, R. (2011). Und sie zogen aus in ein wüstes Land: Auf den Spuren der Bibel durch den Sinai. Italicize the title in an actual APA citation.
- 4). Write the English translation of the title within brackets and followed by a period. Capitalize only the first word of the title, the first word after a colon and any proper nouns. For example, Kleinert, U., & Kühn, R. (2011). Und Sie zogen aus in Ein wüstes Land: Auf den Spuren der Bibel Durch den Sinai. [And they went out into a barren land: On the trail of the Bible through the Sinai].
- 5). Write the place of publication followed by a colon. For example, Kleinert, U., & Kühn, R. (2011). Und Sie zogen aus in Ein wüstes Land: Auf den Spuren der Bibel Durch den Sinai. [And they went out into a barren land: On the trail of the Bible through the Sinai]. Darmstadt:
- 6). Write the publisher name followed by a period. For example, Kleinert, U., & Kühn, R. (2011). Und Sie zogen aus in Ein wüstes Land: Auf den Spuren der Bibel Durch den Sinai. [And they went out into a barren land: On the trail of the Bible through the Sinai]. Darmstadt: Wissenverbindet.
- 7). Write the last name of the author and the year of publication separated by a comma and within parentheses for an in-text citation of a foreign-language work in APA style. Precede the last name of a second or third author with an ampersand. For example, "The textual discussion of this possibility is often explicit (Kleinert & Kühn, 2011)."