Acne in Teens
It's estimated that about 80% of all teenagers will have acne to some degree.
Teenagers and acne go together.
A teenage body is suffused in raging hormones, and those hormones are responsible in a large part for acne.
Teenagers are often told by their older (usually female) relatives that such things as eating French fries, drinking carbonated soft drinks, and overindulging in chocolate is what has caused their acne.
None of that is true! There is NO FOOD THAT CAUSES ACNE! Now, a diet that is deficient in certain nutrients CAN contribute to acne.
*Note: Just because fried foods, carbonated drinks, and chocolate don't cause acne, however, doesn't give license to teenagers to consume unlimited quantities of any of these foods or drinks.
A healthy and balanced diet is good for the skin and all of the rest of your body parts.
Sometimes teenagers are led to believe that spending more time in the sun and getting a good really dark sun tan will cure their acne.
This is completely untrue as well.
A reasonable amount of sunshine is good for everybody, including teenagers.
Too much is just as bad as too little, and sunlight will not cure acne.
The best thing a teenager can do to help prevent acne is to keep their faces clean.
Using harsh cleansers will not prevent acne.
Use a mild soap and don't scrub with a washcloth.
Wash your face with your fingers using a gentle circular motion.
Clean your face at least twice each day, morning and evening, and if you are having an outbreak, increase cleansing to three or even four times a day.
Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, and poultry in order to provide your body with the required nutrients for healthy skin.
The good news is that acne doesn't last forever.
Most teenagers outgrow acne by the time they reach their twenties.
Teenagers and acne go together.
A teenage body is suffused in raging hormones, and those hormones are responsible in a large part for acne.
Teenagers are often told by their older (usually female) relatives that such things as eating French fries, drinking carbonated soft drinks, and overindulging in chocolate is what has caused their acne.
None of that is true! There is NO FOOD THAT CAUSES ACNE! Now, a diet that is deficient in certain nutrients CAN contribute to acne.
*Note: Just because fried foods, carbonated drinks, and chocolate don't cause acne, however, doesn't give license to teenagers to consume unlimited quantities of any of these foods or drinks.
A healthy and balanced diet is good for the skin and all of the rest of your body parts.
Sometimes teenagers are led to believe that spending more time in the sun and getting a good really dark sun tan will cure their acne.
This is completely untrue as well.
A reasonable amount of sunshine is good for everybody, including teenagers.
Too much is just as bad as too little, and sunlight will not cure acne.
The best thing a teenager can do to help prevent acne is to keep their faces clean.
Using harsh cleansers will not prevent acne.
Use a mild soap and don't scrub with a washcloth.
Wash your face with your fingers using a gentle circular motion.
Clean your face at least twice each day, morning and evening, and if you are having an outbreak, increase cleansing to three or even four times a day.
Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, and poultry in order to provide your body with the required nutrients for healthy skin.
The good news is that acne doesn't last forever.
Most teenagers outgrow acne by the time they reach their twenties.