Some Facts About Surrogacy:
A traditional surrogate will be genetically related to the baby. A woman will get pregnant with AI. The surrogate will have her egg fertilized with the sperm from the father-to-be. Traditional surrogates can carry complex and emotional issues. Gestational carriers are much more used.
Check out these interesting tidbits about surrogacy.
You have a great possibility of success with a surrogate. Expect to see your baby in about a year and a half from the time you start the process.
More than 50% of gestational carriers become pregnant after the initial attempt at IVF. Those that have to go in for a second or third time are usually successful too.
If you go with a gestational carrier, don't get overwhelmed if you get twin babies. More than 50% of gestational carriers give birth to multiple babies.
Surrogacy can sound really alluring. However, surrogacy is expensive. You can always handle the surrogacy details on your own if you wish, but it will still cost upwards of $50,000. A big agency can cost upwards of $120,000 though.
Legal guidance is the most important thing with a surrogacy agreement. Getting legal documentation ensures that all parties are protected. You have to be protected from all eventualities.
The American Society for Reproductive Medicine recommends that you attend therapy sessions with your surrogate during the process.
Surrogacy can be really costly, but the success rate is very high. Excellent legal advice and a lot of money can help the process go smoothly.
There is much hope and great technological help for couples today who may be experiencing infertility. Doctors are much better trained and equipped today than they were a generation ago to help with this issue. There also other options besides these four popular choices of In Vitro Fertilization, Traditional Surrogacy, Gestational Surrogacy, and Fertility Drugs. There are alsohomeopathic methods which seem to have helped many people, as well as many other medical choices. Perhaps the best advice is to do thorough research, find good fertility doctors, clinics, and agencies, and, of course, be patient.
Javitri Hospital and Test Tube Baby Centre is best place for Surrogacy in India. Surrogacy is the process where woman bears and gives birth either for individuals or couples. Hence, it signals endless celebrations for intended parents who run a proud family.