Women and Hormones
I go in for a checkup or to ask questions about how bad I am feeling.
Before I can get out what I am going through, I am mine told that all women at my age are going through its hormones.
So, if all women are going through this they should have a base level on what my hormones should be at and not discounted or ignored.
I am frustrated by the way I am treated I know something is not right and yet they don't take what I am saying serious.
The male doctors I have gone to are the worst because they tell me things like, one thing has nothing to do with the other, and your other numbers look good so we don't need to run test on your hormone levels and this is expected for someone of your age.
Why is it that a man can go to a doctor and say I just haven't felt like having sex, so what's wrong with me? He comes home after he has gone through a full examination and has paperwork to get his hormone levels checked.
Then to put the cherry on top he has a script for Calais.
Am I crazy! I have hot flashes and no of sex drive and I am extreme fatigue.
I think that doctors look past women concerns and needs after they are done with childbearing years.
I had one doctor that said learn to live with it.
We put value in what a doctor tells us.
That is what my friend did when they told her it is just menopause.
10 she was told she had a brain tumor, the symptoms where similar, and she died six months later.
The early signs where similar, but as they got worse they should of went down a different path.
When I see female doctors they are more sympathetic and try to give me options to help me cope.
Why not just run the blood work? Replace what I need to feel better.
I know that there are risks.
Do the test, help me feel better by eliminating all the things that have the same symptoms like cancer,organ failure or lyme disease.
If I was a man would there be this question? They give me a hormone for my thyroid.
They give replacements for so many reasons.
They say you can get cancer, I don't care I feel like I am dying anyway.
I am enduring all the symptoms of menopause.
Some are worse than others all are bad.
Since we are all different they assume any test will show what they all ready know based on age and the symptoms I describe.
Women and hormones are great as long as you feel good.
Yet men and women are not the same and its time that more is done to help the women of this age group.
I feel sick and I can't get anyone to listen, they hear what I say, but they aren't listening.
I am not my neighbor and she is not me our hormones are what keep our bodies feeling good and I am not going to settle.
They say if a man was going through menopause there would be a cure for it.
My husband is going through it and he's not happy about it either.
My frustration is almost as bad as the hot flashes, sleepless nights, sweats, headaches, fatigue and emotional roller coaster.
I am going back again to see a female doctor I have faith that we will get this worked out and keeping a sense of humors helps.
There are herbal supplements and home remedies that work for some symptoms and I find that before you add them to your daily medications talk to your doctor.
Some herbs interact with medications they may have prescribed.
Better is the end of a thing than the beginning of it and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.