How to Uninstall Norton Internet Security 3.0.1 on a Mac With OSX
- 1). Double-click on the Norton Internet Security program's folder that is inside of the Applications folder. Double-click on the "Installer" program that is inside of the folder to launch it.
- 2). Enter the administration password into the appropriate column on the pop-up window. Click the "Continue" button. Check the "Accept" box in the new window that appears. Click the "Continue" button.
- 3). Select "Uninstall" from the drop-down men in the upper-right corner of the window that appears. Click the "Continue" button at the bottom-right corner of the window.
- 4). Wait as a progress bar appears and fills in from left to right. Click the "Quit" button when the confirmation window appears.
- 5). Scroll down to the Norton Solutions folder inside of the Applications folder. Double-click on the "Norton Solutions" folder.
- 6). Double-click on the icon of the Norton Scheduler program that is inside of the "Norton Solutions" folder to launch it.
- 7). Select an "Event" on the program's main screen. Click the "Delete" button next to the event. Click the "Delete" button again on the confirmation window that appears.
- 8). Repeat this procedure with every "Event." Quit the program once you are done. Drag the "Norton Solutions" folder to the Trash icon.
- 9). Double-click the "Users" icon inside of the Mac's main hard drive. Double-click on the "Home" icon. Double-click on the "Library" icon in the window that appears.
- 10
Double-click on the "Application Support" folder inside of the window that appears. Drag the "Norton Solutions Support" folder out of the window that appears and into the Trash icon. - 11
Return to the "Library" folder's window. Double-click on the "StartupItems" folder to open its window. Drag the "NortonMisstedTasks" folder out of the window that appears and into the Trash. - 12
Empty the Trash. Double-click on the "Terminal" program that is inside of the Utilities folder inside of the Applications folder to launch it. - 13
Enter the following into the "Terminal" program's window exactly but without the quotes or period: "sudo rm -r /System/Library/Extensions/SymOSXKernelUtilities.kext." Press the "return" key. - 14
Enter the administration password into the "Terminal" program's window when the command prompt ">" appears. Press the "return" key. Quit the Terminal program. Restart the Mac.