How to Install Windows Mobile Software on Windows XP
- 1). Visit the Microsoft ActiveSync Web page (see References) and click "download ActiveSync 4.5 (Worldwide English)." Click "Download ActiveSync 4.5 without Newsletter Registration," then click "Accept and Download" to download the installation file.
- 2). Double-click on the installation file to initialize the installer.
- 3). Follow the onscreen prompts to complete the installation process. You are now ready to sync your phone and install Windows Mobile software.
- 1). Sync your Windows Mobile phone to your computer using the ActiveSync software (consult your phone documentation for any instructions specific to your phone).
- 2). Double-click the installation file for the software you want to install to your phone. Follow the onscreen prompts to install the software to your computer, then press "Yes" when prompted on your phone to allow the software to be installed to it. If prompted on your phone, select the installation directory and press "Install" (this is only applicable if your phone has a flash card installed). When the installation is complete, click "Continue."
- 3). Eject your phone and restart it. Navigate to the Start menu, click "Programs," and tap on your new program to open it.