How to Electronically Sign a FAFSA Application
1Apply for a PIN to be assigned to you if you have never electronically signed your FAFSA or if you have never submitted a FAFSA. You may do this by logging on to the Apply for a PIN webpage at the Federal Student Aid PIN website (see Resources below).
Click the "Apply for a PIN" or "Apply Now!" buttons on the Apply for a PIN webpage. This will take you to an instruction page that will let you know what is ahead of you in the application process. It further informs you of what kind of situations will not be resolved by applying for a new PIN, such as if you disabled your PIN at some point and want to re-establish its use.
Enter personal-identification information to help the government make sure it is really you. The website will ask for your Social Security number as well as your full name, birth date and several security questions.
Submit your application to receive your PIN. This will take you to the next page, which will give you the option to receive your PIN immediately via email or through the mail.
Wait to use your PIN fully. Though you will be able to use your PIN right away to sign your application electronically, you won't be able to use it to do anything else until all of your information is verified and your PIN is confirmed. This may take up to 3 days.