How to Write a Request Letter for a Promotion
- 1). Immediately state why, if promoted, you think your contribution to the company will generate growth within the company. Let them know why you feel that you are qualified enough to request a promotion. You will have to convince your employer to imagine you in that position without any problems.
- 2). List all of your major accomplishments. Use only accomplishments that are relevant to the position for which you are requesting a promotion. The amount of time you have been with the company, your expertise and your dedication should all be included.
- 3). Leave out words that make you appear weak, desperate or uncertain in your abilities. This will show your employer that you really feel you are the right person for the position, without leaving room for doubt in your abilities to carry out the necessary tasks.
- 4). Take a moment to sincerely thank your employer for considering you for the promotion. This is a professional courtesy that is very much appreciated, even if he is unable to fulfill the request at the time.