Using Biotin For Hair Growth
One of the important vitamins for hair growth is from the Vitamin B complex family called Biotin.
In this article I will briefly explain what it is and how to use it to grow hair faster.
Biotin is water soluble composed of an ureido (tetrahydroimidizalone) ring which is fused with a tetrahydrothiophene ring.
A valeric acid substitute is attached to this ring.
Biotin is a coenzyme and helps with the metabolism of fatty acids which helps promote hair growth.
Only the hair's root is actually alive, the hair strand itself is not and is made up of keratin; a protein.
Hair will grow on average about half an inch every month and biotin although making the hair stronger and healthier will not necessarily make it grow faster.
Biotin is found in many foods like eggs, milk, carrots and many others.
For healthy hair growth, the recommended intake of biotin per age group per day is as follows: Infants 0-6 months: 5mcg, 7-12 months: 6mcg, children 1-3 years: 8mcg, 4-8 years: 12mcg, Males and Females 9-13: 20mcg, 14-18 years: 25mcg, 19-70 years: 30mcg, 70 Plus years: 30mcg, pregnant 18-50: 30mcg and lactating 35mcg.
Dermatologist David Sire from Fullerton California suggests taking 500 micrograms of biotin daily for hair growth instead of the regular dosage of 250-300 micrograms daily.
In order to counteract hair loss in both children and adults experts recommend taking biotin supplements as they are a natural product.
In fact some of the signs and symptoms of biotin deficiency is hair loss which can progress to the point where eye lashes and even eyebrow hair can be lost in severe cases.
Although some shampoos contain biotin, it is not clear whether using one would be effective, as biotin is not absorbed well through the skin.
Taking biotin is only one step in helping grow healthy hair and you should also employ other methods from the outside.
Arjuveda has a long history of helping hair growth with the use of herbs and oils that have been known to work even without biotin.
Mira Hair oil is one such product; all you have to do is apply to your hair, leave it on and then shampoo it out.
Using a combination of biotin and Mira hair oil can help grow longer hair faster because Mira oil pushes blood through the hair follicles and allows the biotin to feed them; allowing for faster and healthier hair.
Mira will also condition your hair and leave it feeling soft and silky.
In summary, Biotin can help with hair growth.
The key is to be consistent with it and use it persistently!
In this article I will briefly explain what it is and how to use it to grow hair faster.
Biotin is water soluble composed of an ureido (tetrahydroimidizalone) ring which is fused with a tetrahydrothiophene ring.
A valeric acid substitute is attached to this ring.
Biotin is a coenzyme and helps with the metabolism of fatty acids which helps promote hair growth.
Only the hair's root is actually alive, the hair strand itself is not and is made up of keratin; a protein.
Hair will grow on average about half an inch every month and biotin although making the hair stronger and healthier will not necessarily make it grow faster.
Biotin is found in many foods like eggs, milk, carrots and many others.
For healthy hair growth, the recommended intake of biotin per age group per day is as follows: Infants 0-6 months: 5mcg, 7-12 months: 6mcg, children 1-3 years: 8mcg, 4-8 years: 12mcg, Males and Females 9-13: 20mcg, 14-18 years: 25mcg, 19-70 years: 30mcg, 70 Plus years: 30mcg, pregnant 18-50: 30mcg and lactating 35mcg.
Dermatologist David Sire from Fullerton California suggests taking 500 micrograms of biotin daily for hair growth instead of the regular dosage of 250-300 micrograms daily.
In order to counteract hair loss in both children and adults experts recommend taking biotin supplements as they are a natural product.
In fact some of the signs and symptoms of biotin deficiency is hair loss which can progress to the point where eye lashes and even eyebrow hair can be lost in severe cases.
Although some shampoos contain biotin, it is not clear whether using one would be effective, as biotin is not absorbed well through the skin.
Taking biotin is only one step in helping grow healthy hair and you should also employ other methods from the outside.
Arjuveda has a long history of helping hair growth with the use of herbs and oils that have been known to work even without biotin.
Mira Hair oil is one such product; all you have to do is apply to your hair, leave it on and then shampoo it out.
Using a combination of biotin and Mira hair oil can help grow longer hair faster because Mira oil pushes blood through the hair follicles and allows the biotin to feed them; allowing for faster and healthier hair.
Mira will also condition your hair and leave it feeling soft and silky.
In summary, Biotin can help with hair growth.
The key is to be consistent with it and use it persistently!