How to Induce Labor Using Acupressure
Of course, it is a necessary part of the process, and when a woman goes into labor it means the baby is very close to being born. However, some women have a hard time actually going into labor, and that is why there people have found ways to induce labor. One very popular method of inducing labor is called acupressure. Acupressure is a method of applying pressure to specific places on your body and it is utilized for many things, one of which being inducing labor. Acupressure is all about knowing where to apply the pressure, so keep reading to know more.
The first place to use acupressure is called the adjoining valley. This spot on your body is the webbing in between your index finger and your thumb. You need to press down firmly on this spot and then rub it for about a minute in order to stimulate the spot. The easiest thing to do is to use your fingers to apply pressure, but you can use other dull objects, such as an unused eraser on a pencil.
After you have applied pressure to the adjoining valley it is time to move on to the shoulder well. The shoulder well is located in the trapezius muscle, which is the large muscle that connects your neck to your shoulder. The pressure point is located at the highest spot of the muscle where it connects to your neck. Using four fingers push firmly down on this point to stimulate it.
Next there is the big stream. You will find a depression in between your ankle bone and your Achilles tendon. This is the spot. It is located right above your ankle bone. Also, if you don't know, your Achilles tendon is the muscle on the back of your foot right above the heel bone. Press firmly and gently on this point and rub the spot gently to stimulate it correctly.
The last point you need to apply pressure to is called the three yin crossing. This point is very helpful for women whose labor starts off particularly slow with contractions that are very weak. If you stimulate this pressure point it will actually strengthen your labor. You can find this point about two and a half inches above your ankle bone on the inside of your foot. It is most effective to apply pressure intermittently here. It also helps if you get up and walk around between each stimulation at this point.
If you use all of these pressure points you will find that your labor is significantly easier, and that new child will be out in the world before you know it!