How to Get Skinny Fast, Naturally!
Are you looking for ways on how to get skinny fast? Well consider this: Would you like to sit at the kitchen table every day and just eat half a cup of white table sugar for desert? It would seem that many of you would say yes! Did you know that the average American eats & drinks the equivalent of about 130 to 140 pounds of sugar each year.
You can't get skinny doing that! Do you realize that if you have too much sugar flowing through your veins, your body cannot lose weight quickly? Evidence links sugar to obesity, heart disease and cancer.
It is believed that cancer feeds off of sugar, yet sugar intake is on the rise, and so is cancer! Simple sugars cause our blood sugar levels to rise.
This then releases insulin into the body which moves the sugar into our cells.
This then causes blood sugar levels to drop.
Then we crave more sugar! It is a nasty circle that has no end to it! Not until you break that circle will you be able to lose fat and get skinny! Sugar comes in many forms: Corn Sweetener Corn Syrup, High fructose corn syrup Cane Juice Brown Sugar Turbinado Sugar White table sugar Malt Barley Dextrin, Dextrose Honey Sucanat Sucrose Glucose, Fructose Maltose, White Flour Products (white flour turns into simple sugar quickly in your system) Sugar is everywhere! Unless you read labels, you won't be able to get off your sugar fix and you will always struggle with losing weight and getting skinny.
And don't just quit eating sugars, completely omit artificial sweeteners.
They are deadly chemicals! Sugar cravings often strike when you are hungry.
This is one reason why it is best to eat 3 small regular meals a day, plus 3 snacks a day.
Eating throughout the day keeps you from getting hungry and it burns fat.
The key is to be eating the proper foods.
As for snacks, enjoy low sugar fresh fruits for snacks and desserts, such as berries and grapefruit.
Eating grapefruit after dinner will also help in your quest to lose fat.
Spread sugar-free peanut butter on celery sticks or with a banana, or eat raw nuts and raw seeds.
Xylitol is a natural sweetener found in health food stores.
It has half the calories and carbs of regular sugar so if you need to get a sugar fix, consider using xylitol instead (I have never used it).
There are many factors that have to be taken into account when wanting to lose weight.
One of the main factors in how to get skinny fast is to eat properly, get proper fat burning exercise, omit sugars from your daily diet, and not worry about a food calorie calculator!
You can't get skinny doing that! Do you realize that if you have too much sugar flowing through your veins, your body cannot lose weight quickly? Evidence links sugar to obesity, heart disease and cancer.
It is believed that cancer feeds off of sugar, yet sugar intake is on the rise, and so is cancer! Simple sugars cause our blood sugar levels to rise.
This then releases insulin into the body which moves the sugar into our cells.
This then causes blood sugar levels to drop.
Then we crave more sugar! It is a nasty circle that has no end to it! Not until you break that circle will you be able to lose fat and get skinny! Sugar comes in many forms: Corn Sweetener Corn Syrup, High fructose corn syrup Cane Juice Brown Sugar Turbinado Sugar White table sugar Malt Barley Dextrin, Dextrose Honey Sucanat Sucrose Glucose, Fructose Maltose, White Flour Products (white flour turns into simple sugar quickly in your system) Sugar is everywhere! Unless you read labels, you won't be able to get off your sugar fix and you will always struggle with losing weight and getting skinny.
And don't just quit eating sugars, completely omit artificial sweeteners.
They are deadly chemicals! Sugar cravings often strike when you are hungry.
This is one reason why it is best to eat 3 small regular meals a day, plus 3 snacks a day.
Eating throughout the day keeps you from getting hungry and it burns fat.
The key is to be eating the proper foods.
As for snacks, enjoy low sugar fresh fruits for snacks and desserts, such as berries and grapefruit.
Eating grapefruit after dinner will also help in your quest to lose fat.
Spread sugar-free peanut butter on celery sticks or with a banana, or eat raw nuts and raw seeds.
Xylitol is a natural sweetener found in health food stores.
It has half the calories and carbs of regular sugar so if you need to get a sugar fix, consider using xylitol instead (I have never used it).
There are many factors that have to be taken into account when wanting to lose weight.
One of the main factors in how to get skinny fast is to eat properly, get proper fat burning exercise, omit sugars from your daily diet, and not worry about a food calorie calculator!