The Small Business Digital Marketing Strategy
Or, more appropriately, to even keep their doors open.
If you're one of those business owners that think:
- "My business won't benefit from being online.
" - "I need to be online, but I don't know how and I don't have the time.
" - "These new trends (like Twitter and Facebook) aren't here to stay; I won't worry about them.
" - "Who cares about Google? I don't need to be listed and ranked in there.
" - and so many more...
Then you need to read every word on this page.
The business environment has shifted and to reach your customers and target audience, you now need to go to where they are: online.
This scares most business owners since they have no idea how that's done.
And that's what I'd like to talk to you about today.
At Green Apple Sales, we KNOW how it's done and have helped numerous businesses capitalize on this potentially exponential growth by tapping into the digital marketing strategies that are making and breaking businesses right now.
Solid Web Presence You know how in a mall, for example, people come there to walk around and look at stores and if they like the look of one they stop in? The idea behind this is that stores in malls are positioning themselves to be exposed to all that "mall traffic"...
They're putting themselves in front of people who may be interested in what they have.
Sure, not everyone that goes to the mall stops at every store, but each store will attract a target crowd.
Essentially, that hasn't changed with the rise of the digital business marketplace; however, how you position yourself to your target crowd has become more difficult.
To have an effective web presence, you first need to optimize your site so it's one of the first sites that's displayed when your customers search for you in Google (or the other major search engines).
This is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which I'll be covering very in-depth in a later post.
Digital Marketing Strategy After you've established your site and have it ranked in the search engines using SEO, you then need to focus on other methods of driving visitors to your site.
There are so many ways to do this, and each one strategy - if applied correctly - can be a lead-generating powerhouse for your business.