Qualities of a Good Communicator
- Good communicators listen. Listening is an important component of communicating effectively not only because it shows other people that you are sincere and interested in what they are saying, but it also allows you to correctly respond to people. Listening enables you to weigh and evaluate various issues before you formulate a response. Listening also affords you a reciprocal response from your audience because you showed that you were willing to patiently listen to them.
- Good communicators communicate clearly whether it in writing, speaking or gesturing. Ambiguous statements or questions amount to a lapse in communication because the truth is unclear. In terms of speaking, good communicators project their voices with an assertive and unwavering tone to ensure that people can literally understand them. In terms of writing, good communicators use the appropriate words to convey different senses of meaning. This limits the potential for ambiguity. Good communicators must have a strong vocabulary.
- Good communicators organize their thoughts to ensure that what they communicate comes out in an organized fashion. This allows them the ability to make assertions and then substantiate those assertions with premises, examples and illustrations. Good communicators also organize what they say into concise statements that are easy to understand by the listeners. This way it is not too difficult for listeners to follow what they say.
- Good communicators are sincere. When a speaker shows that she is genuine about what she says, listeners are likely to believe the speaker because of the sincerity with which she speaks. You must be aware that this is not necessarily always the case because speakers can be misguided despite fervent belief, but being wrong does not necessarily exclude a person from being a good communicator. Sincere communicators usually communicate convincingly because they are willing to put their beliefs on the line for the sake of communicating the truth.