Homemade Gag Gifts for a 50th Birthday
- Hook up a 50-year-old's version of the fine gift basket. Instead of a basket filled with fruit and goodies, however, stuff old people items in a bedpan. Goodies can include denture cleaner, a hot water bottle, arthritis salve, pain reliever, foot pads, reading glasses, plastic pill holders and an array of other age-related items found at drug or dollar stores. Top off the bedpan with cellophane and a bow, and you're good to go.
- A creative cane can be made from just about any sticklike object, ranging from an old mop handle to a sturdy stick from a tree. The top does not have to be curved, as you can top it off with a slit tennis ball. Cut the stick to about 3 feet long and strip off the bark or outer coating. Spray paint it with a base coat, then use markers to add designs and humorous words or phrases. Some may include: "Old man cane," "Keep walking while you still can" or "Cane for old people only."
- A gift of money is always appreciated, especially when the money is intended to tide the "oldster" over in retirement. Get a baby food or other small jar and strip off the label. Paint the top with a base coat, then decorate it with a marker. Affix a label to the top or front of the jar that says, "Retirement fund" and put a single penny inside.
- For crafty gift givers who like to crochet or knit, hook up a homemade blanket for your old-timer friend. Crochet or knit a small lap blanket as you normally would but top it off with a ribbon tied to a label that says, "Social Security blanket." You can also use fabric paints to write the words on a plain piece of cloth or old blanket and use that as the gift.
- This little gag gift is simply a decorated notebook made up to serve as a reminder list for all the little things an aging person may soon forget. Get a small, plain notebook. Decorate the front with markers, stickers and magazine cut-outs and title the gift: "Things You Might Need to Remember." Inside the book, label each page with things like: "Where I put my keys," "What time I took my medication" and "What's my name?"