Designer Sunglasses, Contact Lenses And Corrective Lenses Types
Designer Sunglasses, Contact Lenses and Corrective Lenses Types
Designer Sunglasses can be ordered with prescription lenses to correct vision or without any corrective properties. Sunglasses protect the eyes against uncomfortably strong light and in some cases ultra violet rays. Some sunglasses can enable the wearers to see through water to aide in fishing or ocean diving. Polarized lenses are available, which eliminate or reduce horizontal rays of light that cause a glare off of horizontal surfaces. Different colors of lenses aide night driving, flying, golfing and more.
Reading Glasses can be bought over the counter and are simply used to treat mild cases of near or far sightedness. Many people use reading glasses to correct their vision. While it is best to get a prescription from an ophthalmologist, it is not required in order to purchase reading glasses. A prescription by a trained professional can allow the wearer to ease headaches and eye strain; therefore it is advisable to see a doctor at least once every two years to get an updated prescription.
Bifocals and trifocals are needed as we age. With time, our eyes lose their ability to focus quickly and correctly. When this happens, we need corrective lenses. Those who already wear corrective lenses for near or farsightedness will need bifocals, trifocals or progressive lenses. Bifocals enable the wearer to see up close for activities like reading and far away for driving and watching television. Trifocals do much the same thing, but add a special section of the lenses for focusing on the middle ground, for activities like board games. A progressive set of lenses are simply bifocals or trifocals without an obvious line running through them. The wearer barely notices the transition between the lenses, which reduces headaches, slips and trips caused by vision problems.
Bioptics are lenses created specifically for patients with very severe vision impairment. Some patients who are legally blind without glasses are helped enormously by bioptic lenses. These lenses sometimes give the wearer their first glimps of what the world around them looks like beyond bright lights, blind spots and fuzzy colors. Some people can even drive with these lenses.
Contact Lenses correct the discrepancy between the refractive power of the eye and the length of the eye. Contacts correct this problem and allows the wearer to focus normally, even correcting the vision of the patient to better than normal vision. Contacts have advanced in the last 20 or so years to be able to correct astigmatism. The hardening of the eyes caused by age, called presbyopia, can even be corrected with contact lenses now. Contacts can be worn throughout the day, and even for a few days at a time, depending on the brand and style the doctor prescribes. Some contacts can even flatten the curvature of the cornea over night so the wearer can see clearly without the help of corrective lenses during the day.
To find out more about the costs of different types of designer sunglasses, contact lenses, reading glasses and more please visit Eyeglasses99 at Special pricing, daily deals and clearance sales are ongoing through Eyeglasses99.