Diet Plan For Curing Blackheads
Blackheads are majorly caused due to three reasons that are sebum, congesting toxins and skin oil. The excessive amount of these three factors induces blackheads on your face. When these three factors get blended on your face they cause blockage on your skin pores which results in white heads, acne and black heads for sure.
Removing blackheads externally is not admired by most of skin specialist because it will be a temporary solution. The problem is internal. So, by knowing this fact, you can now easily determine that you have to stop the congesting toxins to get combined with sebum and skin oil. To get permanent rid of these blackheads, you need to cure it internally. You need to regulate and stabilize the oil and sebum production in your body. Here the question arises that how one can regulate the oil and sebum production? The answer is by controlling your liver function. A strong and improved liver may prevent this problem.
To remove blackheads permanently you need to maintain a proper diet plan. In order to guide you in blackhead removal process, I have suggested the complete diet process here. Through this plan you will get a more fresh, beautiful and lively skin. The diet plan is quite difficult but you need self confidence to follow it and get a desired skin beauty. This diet plan will not only keep your skin free of blackheads, but it will also make you and your liver healthy.
Breakfast plan:
In the start of the day, you need to have juice of one lemon mixed in a glass of water. Take it at least 15 minutes earlier than breakfast. Do not have heavy breakfast, take a lighter one. You may take fresh juices, fresh fruits, tea or milk in breakfast. In juices, you may take grape or orange juice weighed 250 ml. for fruits, you may either take a single fruit or you may take a fruit salad made up of 2-3 fruits weighing 250 gm. In milk or tea, try to avoid sugar; but if you are unable then you may take it but do not overdose it.
In between breakfast and lunch time, you may take vegetable soup or you may simply have fresh fruits. You may make vegetable soup in huge quantity and may store it in refrigerator.
Lunch Plan:
In lunch, again avoid heavy and oily food items. You may take salad of fresh vegetables. Choose 4 vegetables from the following list to make salad:
"Green peppers
Except this, you may also take two cups of broth in lunch. If you love deserts then you may have slices of fresh fruits sprinkled with honey.
Dinner plan:
In dinner, you may take a slice of wheat bread topped with butter. You may also eat different grilled or steam-cooked vegetables by applying butter on it. Fruit salad is recommended as best desert in dinner. If you still feel hungry, you may drink fresh juices as well.
It was the easiest and simplest diet plan which most of the specialists recommend you in order to remove blackheads permanently.
Removing blackheads externally is not admired by most of skin specialist because it will be a temporary solution. The problem is internal. So, by knowing this fact, you can now easily determine that you have to stop the congesting toxins to get combined with sebum and skin oil. To get permanent rid of these blackheads, you need to cure it internally. You need to regulate and stabilize the oil and sebum production in your body. Here the question arises that how one can regulate the oil and sebum production? The answer is by controlling your liver function. A strong and improved liver may prevent this problem.
To remove blackheads permanently you need to maintain a proper diet plan. In order to guide you in blackhead removal process, I have suggested the complete diet process here. Through this plan you will get a more fresh, beautiful and lively skin. The diet plan is quite difficult but you need self confidence to follow it and get a desired skin beauty. This diet plan will not only keep your skin free of blackheads, but it will also make you and your liver healthy.
Breakfast plan:
In the start of the day, you need to have juice of one lemon mixed in a glass of water. Take it at least 15 minutes earlier than breakfast. Do not have heavy breakfast, take a lighter one. You may take fresh juices, fresh fruits, tea or milk in breakfast. In juices, you may take grape or orange juice weighed 250 ml. for fruits, you may either take a single fruit or you may take a fruit salad made up of 2-3 fruits weighing 250 gm. In milk or tea, try to avoid sugar; but if you are unable then you may take it but do not overdose it.
In between breakfast and lunch time, you may take vegetable soup or you may simply have fresh fruits. You may make vegetable soup in huge quantity and may store it in refrigerator.
Lunch Plan:
In lunch, again avoid heavy and oily food items. You may take salad of fresh vegetables. Choose 4 vegetables from the following list to make salad:
"Green peppers
Except this, you may also take two cups of broth in lunch. If you love deserts then you may have slices of fresh fruits sprinkled with honey.
Dinner plan:
In dinner, you may take a slice of wheat bread topped with butter. You may also eat different grilled or steam-cooked vegetables by applying butter on it. Fruit salad is recommended as best desert in dinner. If you still feel hungry, you may drink fresh juices as well.
It was the easiest and simplest diet plan which most of the specialists recommend you in order to remove blackheads permanently.