How Brides Can Get Flat Abs
Q: How Do I get Flat Abs Before my Wedding day? A: As a trainer, I get this question all the time.
Most people think that the more crunches or sit up they do, the flatter and sexier their abs will get.
I have to break the sad news to you and let you know this simply is not true.
Here's Why: Everyone has a six pack on their body.
The human form of your abdominal region is naturally a six pack.
It's more of a question of whether or not you can see it.
The amount of fat on your body or "body fat" is the real determinate of flat stomach.
The question brides should be asking is "How do I reduce my body fat?" Reducing body fat is a process that takes several factors into consideration, including diet and exercise.
When exercising brides should make sure the regimen includes some form of resistance training, whether it be through lifting weights or plyometrics or body weight drills such as one finds in a fitness boot camp program.
Having the right resistance and having several muscle groups working in unison does the most to rev up your metabolism so you are burning more fat and calories even when you are not working out.
Another important factor to take into consideration when attempting to reduce body fat is diet.
Probably more important than exercise, diet is king when it comes to body fat reduction and getting flat, toned, sexy abs.
You can work out all day, but if you go home an eat crap you won't see any results.
Some general tips I give to brides on diet is to eat several times throughout the day.
It doesn't have to be 6 meals a day but a bride looking to get sexy, flat abs, should not go more than three and a half hours without putting something in the system.
This could consist of snacks like fruit or carrots and hummus.
Brides must also consider portion size.
Anyone can gain weight even by eating too much healthy food.
A good rule of thumb to follow when thinking about your plate is that any protein source such as chicken, fish, or beef should not be any larger than the size of your palm or hand.
Just the palm, not including the fingers.
Any grain (avoiding simple carbohydrates such as white rice, sugar, or processes foods) a serving should be about the size of your entire hand including the fingers.
All vegetable servings should be at least the size of your entire hand if not bigger.
And for a secret to eating less and losing more weight for brides to get those flat abs, eat your veggies first.
You'll be fuller fast and won't have room for the higher calorie items on your plate.
So in summary, getting flat abs before your wedding day is going to take more than just doing a bunch of crunches.
But with a thought out program and a little attention to your diet, it can happen sooner than you might think.