Home Remedies for Yeast Infection in Dogs
- While only your veterinarian can definitively diagnose a yeast infection in your pet's ears, it is fairly simple to tell if that is what's going on. If your dog scratches her ear, shakes or tilts her head or rubs her ears on the floor, chances are she has an infection. Lift up her ear flap and peek into her ears. If you see a dark brown discharge and smell a sweet odor, it is likely that yeast is causing her discomfort.
The first step in using home remedies for yeast infections in dogs is to remove the debris that is in her ears by using a gentle ear flush. One cleanser to try is made by mixing equal parts white vinegar and water. But you don't want to use this if your pet has sores on her ears, as this could cause a painful reaction. It is important to remove any discharge in order for the medication to make good contact with the ear. You will want to clean them twice a day while they are still infected, before applying the medication. It's a good idea to clean them once a week thereafter to prevent future problems.
One home remedy for yeast infections in dogs is drops made by combining one part apple-cider vinegar to three parts water. The vinegar will help to kill the yeast. Using an ear dropper, administer five drops into the affected ear two to three times a day. Another helpful remedy is garlic combined with olive oil. Crush one clove of garlic and mix it with two tablespoons of organic olive oil. Let the garlic infuse with the oil for a few hours and then apply a few drops of the liquid into your dog's ears. Make sure to slightly warm the mixture first and use a fresh batch each time. You can also use natural, organic, probiotic yogurt to help your dog's infected ears. Be sure to use the kind that contains active strains of bacteria. Administer a small amount to the ear and work it in well. The bacteria in the yogurt will help to eliminate the yeast, while the yogurt itself will help in soothing. - Just as with many problems, prevention is key in dog yeast infections. Many yeast infections are caused by excess moisture in the ears. This can happen after your dog swims or takes a bath. To keep water from entering his ears, place a cotton ball or square in the canal just far enough that you can still see it. Afterward, make sure to clean his ears out with an ear flush that has drying properties.
Allowing air to enter your dog's ears is also helpful in preventing ear infections. Yeast and bacteria thrive in moist, dark conditions. Try holding your dog's ears up for a few minutes each day. This can help air get down in the deep canals and also gives you a chance to examine his ears.