Resilience a gift that constructs ways
This skill that some persons possess this way as some materials facilitates them not only to adapt to the circumstances but also to react of way mas rapid to these. Has been commented that the above mentioned skill is based on the experiences that we have of the life, for example when a being dies wanted for first you see in your life, it is a very hard blow that finds it hard work to you to overcome, whereas if there happens another death of this type your personality to the credit already spent by a similar situation gives course that you have a response mas rapidly and in addition your strength for this type of news increases, is for this type of examples that several persons speak about Resiliencia as a skill acquired with the time which one is not born but is done and that it helps himself superimpose to physical, emotional, moral, spiritual batterings etc.
Personal capacities
Not all the persons present characteristics or skills that help themselves superimpose them to the different barriers that us the life places. Undoubtedly someone the individuals resilientes have great skill, force and diverse capacities that them help to stand out. The persons resilientes are in the habit of possessing such personal capacities as:
Skills like sense of humor, facility of communication with the people between others are gifts of a lot of importance to create a factor resiliente bigger than that of the majority of the persons.
The capacity of the persons for the planning, solution of problematic, search of help, thought I criticize, analytical, creative they help undoubtedly to it achieves this essential characteristic for the success.
To possess a sense of faith, connection with others, own identity, founded well, objective personal values are different of many skills that a person possesses resilientes.
In turn diverse investigations on this one types of topics suggest that a familiar, school environment and of community between children and young women, they promote an environment of natural resistance.
Inside this environment there exist named protective factors that promote the development of a major resistance. Such it is the case of the human relations that help to the comprehension, interest, respect, confidence and secured. Undoubtedly someone a basic factor for the creation of this type of skill.
The communication between the persons can improve your natural characteristics in such a way that you can create different prominent figures for the solution of diverse types of problems, which were helping him superimpose with major rapidity and efficiency before the adversities
Cultural factor.
Cultural diversities that wrap the different persons realize a great contribution for the development of this type of skills, that is to say there exist factors that the increase or decline of all kinds promotes of resiliencia due to the fact that the majority of the persons we leave ourselves to influence for the company that surrounds us. From the moment that we were born we are bombarded by an endless number of advertising announcements that were helping us in our captures of decisions hereinafter.
The infancy undoubtedly is a critical point of control of this skill due to the fact that the few ones or many problems that we have in these, like that like the decisions that we take will give us a better managing of emotions and characteristics for the growth