Precious Metals Is Your Ultimate Inflation Hedge
If you had the choice to put a thousand dollars cash on the table or a thousand dollars of gold down, which one would you choose? This answer changes from one person to another. Precious metals are the ultimate hedge against inflation but ultimately provide protection to the average consumer. Everyone should have the metals of gold and silver if they have the ability. By all means, if you are living on paycheck to paycheck, disregard this expertise. Owning precious metals if bought correctly is just an alternative savings account that will rise 30-40% every year.
Asset Allocation: In order to be positioned properly, you need a minimum of 20% of your investible assets into metals. Investible assets consist of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, money markets, CD's, and your liquid funds in checking and savings. 20% of those assets into gold and silver are imperative to have that preservation. Today with the Fed setting the"money printing press" into overdrive there are many experts that are stating that you should a much higher position into gold and silver.
When talking about the kinds of metals you should invest in, you need a balance with gold and silver. Foreign banks and countries are buying up the supply of gold. On the other hand silver is consumed on a daily basis. Not having all your eggs into one basket is the solution. They both will perform on average of 30-40% increase every year with the uncharted waters our country is in. I would recommend coins that are in small denominations. Many coins under that category follow very close to the spot price so do not get involved with the coins that carry large premiums. That is the biggest joke and scam in the industry. To preserve capital, you need as much metal for your dollar. When buying, you need a portfolio that is private, non-reportable, liquid, and ultimately with a large profit potential. Small denomination coins provide more liquidity when gold reaches that $3000-5000/ounce range.
Silver and gold is the only hedge to preserve capital. We are going to be going through the largest shift of wealth in the history of the world. Taking the proper positions today gives even the small investor the ability to store the wealth of your hard earned labor. As the world goes through the greatest transfer of wealth our planet has ever seen, we have a choice. Do you want to be a victim in holding fiat paper money that is being inflated away or do you want to preserve your capital with properly positioned precious metals? Get your position today while the greatest opportunity is still at hand.
Asset Allocation: In order to be positioned properly, you need a minimum of 20% of your investible assets into metals. Investible assets consist of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, money markets, CD's, and your liquid funds in checking and savings. 20% of those assets into gold and silver are imperative to have that preservation. Today with the Fed setting the"money printing press" into overdrive there are many experts that are stating that you should a much higher position into gold and silver.
When talking about the kinds of metals you should invest in, you need a balance with gold and silver. Foreign banks and countries are buying up the supply of gold. On the other hand silver is consumed on a daily basis. Not having all your eggs into one basket is the solution. They both will perform on average of 30-40% increase every year with the uncharted waters our country is in. I would recommend coins that are in small denominations. Many coins under that category follow very close to the spot price so do not get involved with the coins that carry large premiums. That is the biggest joke and scam in the industry. To preserve capital, you need as much metal for your dollar. When buying, you need a portfolio that is private, non-reportable, liquid, and ultimately with a large profit potential. Small denomination coins provide more liquidity when gold reaches that $3000-5000/ounce range.
Silver and gold is the only hedge to preserve capital. We are going to be going through the largest shift of wealth in the history of the world. Taking the proper positions today gives even the small investor the ability to store the wealth of your hard earned labor. As the world goes through the greatest transfer of wealth our planet has ever seen, we have a choice. Do you want to be a victim in holding fiat paper money that is being inflated away or do you want to preserve your capital with properly positioned precious metals? Get your position today while the greatest opportunity is still at hand.